My stance on the Talent Hub

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to be found on the Talent Hub and to use it to hire.

I’ve had an issue with the Talent Hub since launch. It’s been improved a lot since back when it released way back then, but it still has a bunch of issues holding it back from being just ok that the forum solves entirely. Here they are:

1. ID Verification and the limiting of “unverified” accounts

My account, which has an account on this forum, has existed since 2016, and is verified by phone and email and has been for multiple years, it not counted as “verified” on the Talent Hub. Why? I haven’t verified by ID.

I get it, Roblox wants developers to see ID verification as essential and is trying to shove it down our throats still after the pushback, but I’m not having any of it. I’m still not ID verified and I won’t, but hurting my discovery because of it is not fair.

If you search somebody with my skills and experience level, it’s sorted by god knows what, not anything useful. They all also just happen to be verified. This could just be an assumption, but it’s clear the algorithm is promoting “verified” people over unverified. That goes to our next issue:

2. Why can’t we still not hire people without active posts?

If you go to any creator with an active job post, their “contact” button is greyed out. Not being able to contact people still is insane, considering the moderation queue and the delay between making a post and having it approved. We should be able to also directly link our Discord (or even guilded if anybody still cares) to our profiles and be able to see at any time. Not just when a job post is active. Discord should be added and it shouldn’t just be a straight rip from Roblox, we should be able to have a unique one just for it. And do YT/Twitch need to exist? Facebook/Twitter I could understand a little bit, but nobody is going to watch a live stream from a creator profile.

If this were added alone, it would help a lot

3. Search is still broken

When I searched “programmer, ui designer”, I got these results:

The top result doesn’t do programming OR UI, and the other two don’t do UI. I checked the first result’s profile and there are no mentions of any programming or UI designing experience:

They aren’t even open to work! There is no universe where this should be the number one thing people see. Search needs to be fixed to listen to keywords better.

(also sidenote but i had “id verified only” off but i still only saw id verified results :upside_down_face:)

4. Can’t hire efficiently due to the bias against Discord

If you dare mention Discord in a job post, it’ll immediately be denied. This is another queue/moderation limitation (which i suggested should be removed earlier), but this is unbelievable. I’m not one to bash on Roblox moderation, but I can’t defend this at all. I can’t forward people directly without immediately having it removed, so what’s the point in trying?

The filter is rendering chats totally unusable, especially with the inactivity problem, we should be allowed to directly link to Discord.

My results on the Talent Hub vs the Forum

Every time I have made a job, I never found anybody who was worth keeping. The jobs get spammed with people who don’t have any skill, and people I do want I can’t forward to Discord. Does Roblox expect us to use parties to communicate? If I say “my Discord is darkpixlz”, half the time it’ll get filtered (please remove it!) and is still a huge issue. Despite that even, the discovery is still bad and I can’t find anybody who would be a fit for my jobs. The queue is also still a huge issue because by the time it’s approved I’m already long gone. Preformatted portfolios with subpar markdown support also plagues it and even if search was fixed my profile would still be a mess.

On the forum, the queue doesn’t exist unless it suspects you broke a rule, which is perfect. That’s how it should be on there. The filter is also still there for some reason and should be removed, it’s still too strict and <13 people aren’t even allowed.

On the forum, I can post a job and it’ll be responded to really quickly. I posted a job and got 4 applications from more than qualified people, results I never saw on the talent hub.

With my portfolio, in the forum I’m allowed to have more creative freedom. I can do whatever I want, and I’ve gotten a lot more jobs, considering I can just link to my Discord. In my entire time on the Talent Hub (before I removed my profile) I got a total of zero job offers. In the months the forum has been active again, I’ve gotten 4, which isn’t a lot, but it’s 4 more in the two or three years the talent hub has failed me and many other people.

Conclusion & solutions

While the hub might have been ruined for a lot of people, I think there’s still a chance. The search needs an update, the queue and filter need to go, and we need to get creative freedom of our portfolios and jobs. It has the potential to be amazing, but it has too many major tradeoffs to be worth people’s time.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to get jobs again without relying on the forum still.


Talent Hub is awful, no one can find my Creator Profile (not even me)

I can’t find any job worth while at all, 99% doesn’t offer minimum wage

A lot of job posts are misleading, categorizing themselves as USD compensated but actually not even offering upfront payment instead it’s Robux or much worse, percentage

I have been on Roblox for almost 8 years and I’m struggling to find a Roblox game studio let alone one that actually pay standard industry rates that’s worth my time and experience

The problem is professional studios and companies don’t use Talent Hub because of how lackluster and awful it is to use


I’m going to bump this because the site is still in an unusable state and they expect us to use it? No thanks.



the talent hub still has so many broken and unfinished features; for example you can’t change the name of your talent hub team after it was made. i currently have 2 (1 from an old group i cant delete, not to mention i dont even own the group anymore) and another which i changed the group name but that does not reflect on the talent hub

The biggest issue with the talent hub for me is the filter. You’re trying to make a professional recruiting platform and the filter is enforced on said platform

Strange decision given devforum doesn’t have this filter.


This is insane. Even after multiple years of this existing, finding qualified devs is almost impossible! At this point, finding people on X/Discord is a much better idea.

I had this yesterday.
For some reason this job listing site has moderation? Yes I get that it is a children’s platform, but they can’t even access the talent hub!

I tried linking my studio’s employment policies to the listing and couldn’t! It’s the most awful service but there’s unfortunately no really great alternative

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And I doubt Talent Hub will ever be better, unless it requires ID verification from everyone, for the simple fact that joining friction = culling. Discord/X works without ID verification because you have to go out of your way to set up another account, on another platform, while Talent Hub is accessible to any Roblox user. It won’t root out all trolls and kids, but does go away with a significant portion.

But that’s just my opinion.

PS: And a minimum 1k robux payment per comission would be nice. It really isn’t worth anyone’s time for anything lower than that. Or maybe ditch the whole payment thing and keep it as a place to find people to build a game with, in your spare time.