My starter screen currently isn't that good. Any feedback is highly appreciated!

I want to make a straight forward and really cool looking starter screen.

The issue is that it doesn’t look too good.

3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? There isn’t really an exact fix so I’m just looking for feedback and ideas.



And yes, I’m going to change the other buttons to have different text other than just “Play!”.

it looks alright I would use a UIGradient for the button with different colors

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I wanted it to look like that. Thanks for the feedback though! I might add a fade gradient effect to the normal colored buttons.

whelp if it’s how u want it then good

Well, for one it looks very simple and classic, though might I suggest you add the title of the game on-top of the screen to make it have a more pleasing representation of what your game’s title is.

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Change the position of the buttons a little bit, all of them in one line are looking terrible.

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Really good background it looks like a random simulator game. Make it less shiny colors it’s sometimes annoying to see rainbow colors. The redeem a code thing needs like a box there so it has more design.

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You can use a UIGradient and just have 2 points at each color shift so that i still has the separation, and just less frames (I assume that’s what you’re using. Unless it’s a picture which would make more sense.)

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It’s supposed to be a gun game but with a very playful and bright feel, similar to young kids games.

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Sorry to insult a bit, really sorry if it hurt your feelings, but it’s bad if it’s a gun game because guns and crazy colors like never match tbh.

Thanks for hearing my advice.

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