My studio's new logo

I am currently working on making a new studio for my games i’ve been making in the back, i decieded to change up the logo, i need yall’s feedback (i am lazy to remove the twitter @)

Old logo:

New Logo:


I’d say this is a bad change.
There’s too much going on here
And visibility is low.
I’d recommend keeping it simple
Something like this could be cool: (left background blank)


This is the logo without the writing etc, its simple.

New Project

maybe make the boat white? but yeah its really nice


but visibility is low
you can’t see the boat hardly
I’d recommend making it white, or a glowing orange color to resemble the old logo
it’s ultimately up to you


Like @crayzk_RBX said, the visibility is too low when viewed with the background.

A good thing to keep in mind if you’re overlaying a shape above a patterned backdrop, is to keep contrast at the very forefront of your design.

Just a thought, honestly don’t quote me on GFX advice, but:
You maybe could’ve integrated it into the background, and had the lines flow into an inset of the boat’s shape like a river, and then added some depth around the shape to give it a better impression of sticking out.


The logo looks nice! It’s simplistic but it’s distinct to represent your studio.
However, I have a few suggestions I think would make it better:

  • Change the boat to be colored white, or a bright color because it sort of blends in with the background.
    (I think you already have this… but a drop shadow would be nice!)
  • Perhaps make the boat a bit larger, so the icon focuses mainly on the boat?

Other than these suggestions, I think it looks nice! :+1:


We should totally do a post your logo thread…

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Back to topic - I’d have to say the old one is better as a logo… The most important thing about a logo is it must be simple and easily recognizable… You are right tho - that the plain orange background needs changing but the waves for the new one are def too busy/complicated…
I’d try a sunbust background or a simple fade.
Or just go for the classic black/white - that works for everything…


I like the waves in your new logo!

I’d also agree with the low visibility of the ship, I suggest making the ship more noticeable and the thing that “pops” in your logo rather than the background.

Other than that, it’s great, keep it up!

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New one looking 3d and realistic.

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Thanks for everyone’s advice here!
About me making the logo white, here’s the example image

In my opinion it’s good, About having a sunburst background, i’ve tried and it looks weird, here’s the image for it.

In my opinion, it look weird, let me what you think, @crayzk_RBX , @17jif , @IDoLua , @PotatoVampire7797 , @Normalshow12345 , @PotatoVampire7797

Here is what it looks from Discord & Roblox Groups



Yeah it works - if you like it keep it. Personally i would have tried to go with the boat theme more…
Kinda bored so I quickly put together the kinda of design i was more imagining…

  • Thought it’d be kinda cool to use the text of sloop like waves for the boat…
    Anyways Its just for fun… if you like your design keep it… like in logo design there are trends but there is no right answer… So just pick what you like…

Your examples are gave me pretty solid ideas, thanks!

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Seeing it “in action” looks a lot better. It is very distinguishable when you have a lot of servers on Discord, and groups on Roblox. I don’t think I would make any changes, great job!

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