Yea Um my subwoofer works but, it doesnt work when you click play. If you click run it works. Can anyone help me with this I dont get it, Its suppose to work but doesnt.
local Part = script.Parent
local Sound = workspace:WaitForChild("1987 Toyota Sprinter Trueno Kouki (AE86)").Body.Subwoofer.Sound
-- animate the subwoofer
while true do
local loud = (Sound.PlaybackLoudness * 0.002) + math.random(0, .1)
Part.Size =, 1.36, 1.36)
Part.CFrame = workspace["1987 Toyota Sprinter Trueno Kouki (AE86)"].Body.Subwoofer.Position.CFrame * / 2, 0, 0)
Having the same issue with PBL in my club lighting scripts.
Pressing Run works perfectly fine, but pressing Play or Play Here does not.
local brick = script.Parent
local sound = game.workspace.Music.Music
while wait(.001) do
local pbl = (sound.PlaybackLoudness/500) - .2
brick.Transparency = 1 - pbl
In the line local sound = game.workspace.Music.Music, the first Music is a folder in workspace, and the second one is the actual sound. I’ve tried using a local script as well, and I have tried putting the sound in Workspace and SoundService.
Bumping this post up in hopes someone has a solution.