My teleportation tool not working correctly

I want it so that, whenever I click on a player with my tool it will teleport them to a different block.

The issue is that I was able to figure out how to gett he players name of whoever I clicked on, but I do not know where to go from their, I searched up tutorials and what not but I just can’t seem to understand.

I have tried Tutorials on module scripts and remote events, I have searched up people with similar problems on the dev forum.

Local Script inside of the tool

-- local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local AnubisEvents = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AnubisEvents")

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

	if mouse.Target.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then

Server script inside of the tool

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local AnubisEvents = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("AnubisEvents")


I need some clarification, what are you stuck on? You said you can get the name of the player you click on, so what are you trying to do after that? Teleport yourself to that player? Or teleport that player somewhere?

what you have done so far will send the name of the mouses target. This isnt ideal for a teleport.

You will want to send the mouses position and add a little the the y vector. From there you just set the characters position there and you have acomplished a teleport.