My Text label is not rescaling

My text label isnt rescaling right (i have uses scale rather than offset)

yes i an using auto rescale


Can we see the properties too?

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which object

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All of them if you can. Are you sure you converted the position to scale too? Seems like a problem with it.

I’ve been there.

Size the TextLabel to (1,0,1,0) and you should be able to scale it to your liking.

yes 100% sure that they are all scale based

i tried setting size to (1,0,1,0) and it didnt work

i set the frame size to (1,0,1,0) so now frame is shrinking but the text does this now

Not sure man.
If both your size and position values are set to scale, it probably is because you forgot to enable the textlabels .TextScaled property.
Check if your text objects have their .TextScaled property set to true.

text scaled is true also if i shrink it even more it looks like this

somehow got the text to resize but now the imagine wont resize

ok i dont know how i fixed the text rescaling but to fix the image i set scale type to strech (its still not ideal but will do)

make sure to set the frame size to 1,0,1,0

To solve that “stretch” issue, consider using an UIAspectRatioConstraint.
Here, I made you an example UI that fixes all your problems.

ExampleLeaderboard.rbxm (9.3 KB)

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