My texture in roblox isn't loading right

Hi community, I’m creating a hat, but i made bunny ears with it but the texture is kinda loading weird in de studio.

the problem:

what i see in Blender:

Any one got a solution? That would be great!

kind regards


Are you sure you don’t have your Faces inverted on the ear in the left side of the first picture. You may be showing the back side of the opposite face.

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So far I see it’s more like a bug by importing tho, I don’t know if you have a fix for it?

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You should check the face orientation in Blender first. Maybe enabling DoubleSided for the mesh would work but I think UGCs have that disabled by default and cannot be changed.

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If the mesh isn’t made correctly then it won’t be correct in Studio. As I and SomeFedoraGuy suggested check the Face orientation in Blender first. If you don’t know how there are plenty of Blender tutorials online to show you.

@SomeFedoraGuy Please don’t suggest using DoubleSided for broken meshes.
It messes up the shading on the Mesh when rendered and creates more tris for the clients computer to render. DoubleSided was designed for items that are flat like leaves or paper.


Thanks it worked! Have a nice day.

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