My thumbnail got my game content deleted, is that valid?

(moved to creations feedback because I’m not sure where this should go, it is a creation I guess)

My thumbnail

This got me a warning and my game taken down for sexual content.

The problem is that I don’t see really any issue with this, especially when some games have thumbnails like this:

Other game examples


If this was a false content deletion then how can I get my game back? I don’t know how to get the asset ID of a thumbnail or appeal a game content deletion.


Anyone know how to appeal a game?


It’s likely because of the way your thumbnail is made. Notice the difference between yours and other games. The first thing that stands out is how they’re blocky and cute looking. Roblox’s AI is highly accurate most of the time, so it’s likely you threw the bot for a loop and made it determine the image as inappropriate. Go appeal to the mods with a clear and respectable explanation and they should clear everything up for you.

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The difference between your thumbnail, and the other ones you showed, is that the other ones are “blocky”, and Roblox-themed (after Roblox avatars/characters). Your thumbnail looks more realistic and could be scary to children. I think it’s a valid moderation.

Otherwise, you should try to appeal this with Roblox.