My top plugin has disappeared from the Creator Store

I have three free plugins published to the Creator Marketplace at the moment:

Only Get Object Path and Class Selector show up on my creator page, despite Auto Anchor having nearly 100,000 installs (way more than the other two plugins). Not sure what’s happened to my Auto Anchor plugin as it has not been moderated - it can still be accessed and installed via the link above.


What’s also weird is that my plugin doesn’t appear in search results for Auto Anchor, despite it being the most installed Auto Anchor plugin on the store.

Note that both of these issues are also persistent in the Studio Toolbox too:


Expected behavior

I expect my public plugins to all show on my creator page, and my Auto Anchor plugin to show in the search results for its name.

Page URL:

Sorry about that – it should be showing up now!

Thank you for resolving this so quickly! :raised_hands:

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