This a video to show my problem.
I can’t find why the trail is acting like that.
Tell me in the comments if you need the script.
This a video to show my problem.
I can’t find why the trail is acting like that.
Tell me in the comments if you need the script.
can you show me the property’s of the trail in like a image?
Here you go.
Also here is the script:
local Trail = game.ServerStorage.Trail
local plrTrail = Trail:Clone()
plrTrail.Parent = char.UpperTorso
plrTrail.Attachment0 = char.UpperTorso.NeckAttachment
plrTrail.Attachment1 = char.LowerTorso.WaistBackAttachment
So it looks like by just looking at the basic trail property’s is that the reason why it keeps cutting out is since MinLength and life time is the same. Change MinLength to .1 and that should fix your problem. Hope this helps
Trail segments will fully disappear after 1 second (Lifetime property). If you want it to fade away you have to adjust the transparency property so it looks like this: