My tween with lookvector doesnt work

So i have been trying to make a tween where a part goes where you are looking, but i cant
seem to get it to work, it just something goes where i want it to, but it goes more to the left or the right, and so on

here is the code:

local p = game.Players.LocalPlayer
uis.InputBegan:Connect(function(inp, gpe)
	if gpe then return end
	if inp.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.G then
		local part = game.Workspace.Part
                part.CFrame = HRP.CFrame
		local tweenInfo =
		local Tween = t:Create(
			{Position = p.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * 30}

could someone help with this issue?

Position is not a direction vector which you can put in look vector which is a direction vector, it is a position vector.

Consequently add the position vector so the end position goes to the character position first then goes towards the direction of the look vector through addition.

`Position = p.Character.PrimaryPart.CFrame.LookVector * 30 + p.Character.PrimaryPart.Position