My UGC Accessories! (Feedback)

Hey! :wave: :wave: I have recently kind of started doing some models for the UGC Program and i also have started running out of ideas, ill be glad getting any type of ideas or feedback on the creations i’ve made!

All creations below are made fully by me! :star_struck:

:stop_sign: IM NOT IN THE UGC PROGRAM YET :stop_sign:

  • Proudest Creations

Name: Dart Head

Name: City Tray

Name: Classic Orange Fedora

  • Other Creations

Name: Cute Face

Name: Growing Ideas!?


  • NOTE: I have much more creations in my talent hub if you mind checking there for more if you want :blush:

If you are interested into testing them or other creations i’ve made you can check out my roblox game!

If you got any feedback good or bad i dont mind just dont hesitate and telling me all types of feedback will be helpful! Thanks.

Dont forget ideas! hehe


Im not even joking id buy it they all look amazing keep up the great work :+1:


Omg thanks so much that means a lot even tho im not in the program yet i hope soon :fire:

Well make sure to tell when you are so ill be able to buy those avatar items lol

hehe of course thanks so much xd

Bro I love each and everyone of those UGC items. Your creativity is 1000000/10!

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Very unique designs! I like them.


Omg thanks so much means so much for me :smile:

At first i used to take inspiration from random stuff in Pinterest as typing room accessory’s, and now i actually just go around my house and do them as the dart board on the head hehe :star_struck:

Thanksss so so so much!!! :smile:

Ay special request from me: Could you make a bonsai hat UGC I would love to see that and even buy it when it gets released

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Oh wow thats pretty unique i haven’t seen anyone do that yet but ill try, and do you mean like a image of a bonsai on a cap or like a legit bonsai tree on the head growing like the one kind of “Growing Ideas”?

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Growing like the “growing ideas”

Ohhhh i get it haha :joy::joy:
