My UGC Concepts(Looking for feedback!)

Here are some UGC concepts that I made and would love your feedback on them! I am on the quest to be accepted into the UGC program and could use all the feedback I can get. These are just two so far:
I’m pretty new to this area of modeling so all feedback and criticism is appreciated!


The first one seems a bit of but I love the second one it looks amazing keep up the great work.

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Thanks for the feedback! Is there something you would change about the first one or do you think I should scrap that idea?

The Second Picture Looks Cute And the first one looks Epic


Don’t scrap it but It seems a bit fin and long so change that and should be good.

So I should just make it thicker?

Yea I think so and maybe more smoother.

I tried to make it smoother but it’s so easy to hit the 4000 tri limit when you have the cartoony outline. Any idea how I could do it without increasing the tri count.
Should I shade smooth?

Do not press this One Blurred Word :wink:

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Both conspects looks amazing! :wink:

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