My ui I made in Photoshop!


This is my first time using Adobe Photoshop!

I made this Shop UI! And exported it to studio.


What should I change/Improve and rate it out of 10!

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It looks great! Although I think “Shop” label is too stretched up, and X thing on the exit button doesn’t look centered, so I might rate it like 8/10.

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i think the frame containing the “SHOP” text and the X button is a little too big vertically.
also i am a little worried about actually using this as a shop, the gamepasses/money frames might be a little too small to contain a grid of gamepasses.

the thing looks like a shop itself though, good stuff.


Yep but be careful becuase you adding fonts in the UI concept that really doesn’t exist in Roblox


You can do export as a png in photoshop and that’s what I do! I make invisible buttons for the buttons to make them functional.