My union literally just disappeared upon uploading the model of the gun to Roblox. Any fixes? How did this happen?

My union literally just disappeared upon uploading the model of the gun to Roblox. Any fixes? How did this happen?
Here’s your best bet: How to recover invisible / corrupt unions
Remember to use the search bar before posting a new topic
There is also currently a bug where new unions will disappear after you publish and a 404 error will be printed to output. You should restart Studio when this happens.
Hi, this has happened to me before several times, and I can agree with you that this is sometimes irritating because you spend several hours making the project. I found that saving the game to your desktop, or saving unions to your desktop can allow you to re-insert them into the original game most of the time.
Hope this works for you!
I learned how to fix this (it works 99% of the time for me).
If you press “Publish” and the union disappears instantly, do Ctrl+Z, make it a union again and publish again. It will disappear for like 3 seconds but it’ll come back.