My vector force is slowly moving chopper up
So i am trying to make chopper system.
It seems like when I get the mass, the chopper goes up and up.
This is code:

local function GetTotalMass()
	local mass = 0
	for i,v in pairs(workspace.Helicopter:GetChildren()) do
		if v.Massless then
		mass = mass + v:GetMass()
	print('Good! Chopper mass: '..mass)
	print("Let's get character mass..")
	for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetDescendants()) do
		if (v:IsA('BasePart')) or v:IsA('UnionOperation') or v:IsA('MeshPart') then
		if (v.Massless) then
		mass = mass + v:GetMass()
	print("Good, now, multiply by gravity, and return.")
	print("Total mass = "..mass * workspace.Gravity)
	return mass * workspace.Gravity

local TotalMass = GetTotalMass()

Force =,TotalMass,1)

it should stay stable :thinking:

Maybe that is the problem
Try this:


Well, he’s trying to get the total mass so mass = mass + v:GetMass() is fine

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I’m sure this isn’t your problem, but there are some problems here. First, v.Massless is going to error if Massless doesn’t exist, at least last time I was on the platform. In addition, return will actually stop the function altogether. You should use
if v:FindFirstChild("Massless") then mass += v:GetMass() end

No, :FindFirstChild() works on childs not propeties

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Massless is a property, :FindFirstChild() wont work

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Oops. That wasn’t there when I left.

Still is not trouble.
It’s not about that

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I think I have a theory, here you have found the force required to balance the chopper against gravity. It may be going up because of slight errors in the mass. You may need to add more force to make it ascend faster.
Wait, you are applying the vector force here right?

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Also the shorthand operator += doesn’t exist in lua :slight_smile:

Yes it does exist in Luau it was added

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Really?! And all this time I was doing it in that tedious way.
Also did adding more force work?

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Nope, I will reduce

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Now look here, I can only be so wrong in one thread.

Really sorry, you said you had left roblox, so assuming you’re learning other languages, I thought maybe it had you mixed up. Also i really did not know these existed. (they’re amazing, thank you @varjoy for telling me)

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In my opinion, a helicopter going straight and only straight is sorta unrealistic