My view model takes a trip to space when I add a humanoid to it

Thanks for taking the time to read this topic.

I have a problem with my so-called “Viewmodel Engine” and whenever a humanoid is added to it, it blasts off beyond its limits.

Heres a very quick demonstration:

I’ve tried to change up the collision groups:

But the “+Add group” button isn’t working and only lets me select it.

I’ve done this viewmodel without the humanoid and it works but I need the players shirt to load into the model.

Please reach back as quick as you can because I think i’ve had enough of making these buggy models.

i dont think you can add collision groups to instances with a humanoid in it (correct me if i’m wrong) or set collision groups to a model,
but i guess try setting the CollisionGroup for EACH part in the model.
see if that works, then per

I did something like this

local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable("Viewmodel", "Viewmodel", false)

In a script in Server Script service then I did for i,v locally in the tool since the server cant pick up the viewmodel but it still didnt work.

This is what I have reached:

i’ve never played with colliongroups before but like i said you can set collisiongroups for every indiviual baseparts if it has a humanoid(i think, try it out if you want) i recommend setting collisiongroups for only parts that have CanCollide turned on.

just read this, might help you out on server and client side

anyways, i found a post that MIGHT help:
help on view model collision


I think it because maybe you viewmodels arms CanCollide are true, try to check that, if yes, try to set it to false

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the problem is that when humanoid instance are placed, some parts of the body like the head have CanCollide forced to turn on, so settings the viewmodel’s indiviual base parts COULD be just the solution like @PacaTea is trying to do, but it’s not letting him ._.

i found another post similar here

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Thanks so much for helping me out, and that article you shared was a big help!

I got it up and running without collisions.

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grateful to help someone before i sleep :grin:

Thank you and have a great night!

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Oh, that does makes sense now i guess