My zombie gets invincibility from my gun after a few seconds

I made a zombie recently for a game. I asked the DevForum 2 times for help and when I thought I fixed all the issues, another one appeared. This time, if you don’t kill the zombie in like 2.3 seconds, it will gain complete invincibility to the gun. I don’t understand how but it happens.

I don’t even know which thing is causing the problem, my gun or my zombie.

Gun Code
local RP = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local remoteFunction = RP:WaitForChild("RemoteFunction")
local Bullet = RP:WaitForChild("Bullet")

local tool = script.Parent

local bulletSpeed = 200
local bulletDMG = 10
local Firerate = 0.3

local Shooting = false
	if Shooting == false then
		Shooting = true
		local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(tool.Parent)
		local MouseHitLookVector = remoteFunction:InvokeClient(player)
		local bulletCreation = Bullet:Clone()
		bulletCreation.CFrame = tool.Handle.CFrame
		bulletCreation.Parent = game.Workspace
		bulletCreation.Velocity = MouseHitLookVector*bulletSpeed
		Shooting = false
Gun Code (Local Script)
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local RemoteFunction = RS:WaitForChild("RemoteFunction")

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local mouse = player:GetMouse()

RemoteFunction.OnClientInvoke = function()

return mouse.Hit.LookVector

Zombie Code
local Zombie = script.Parent
local zombieHuman = Zombie:WaitForChild("Zombie")
local root = Zombie:WaitForChild("UpperTorso")

local hitbox = Zombie:WaitForChild("HitBox")

local DMG = 10

	local human = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if human and hit.Parent.Name ~= "Zombie" then
		human.Health -= 5

	if hit.Name == "Bullet" then
		zombieHuman.Health -= DMG
		print("Bullet hit")
		if zombieHuman.Health > 0 then return end
		_G.deadZombies += 1

function nearPersonPos()
	local closest
	local bestDist = 1000 
	for _,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
		local char = v.Character
		local tors = char and char:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso")
		if not tors then continue end
		local dist = (tors.Position-root.Position).Magnitude
		if dist >= bestDist then continue end
		closest = tors.Position
		bestDist = dist
	return closest

while zombieHuman.Health > 0 do
	zombieHuman:MoveTo(nearPersonPos() or root.Position) 

After a few seconds, the bullets either go right through the zombie, or bounce off the zombie.

Video of my issue:

i recreated the game and everything seems fine except the _G.deadZombies += 1 which gives an error after the zombie health hits 0

maybe its your hitbox that just disappeared somehow like falling down the map or something

just look in the explorer when playing maybe its just went gone
or somewhere else where it shouldnt have been