You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions: What I want to achieve
I would like my round system to spawn and teleport the zombies to the spawn locations which are inside of each map.
The issue:
It only spawns 1 zombie.
It errors when I try to fire the function again.
What I have tried:
I have look on YouTube and the dev hub and found nothing to help me, I have been debugging for the last couple of hours and cant find the problem.
After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!
local ZombieSpawnPointsFolder = Map:WaitForChild("ZombieSpawnPoints")
local ZombiesSpawns = ZombieSpawnPointsFolder:GetChildren()
local Difficultys = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Difficultys"):GetChildren()
local Difficulty = Difficultys[math.random(1, #Difficultys)]
local maxnumber = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("MaxNumber")
local NewWaveEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("NewWave")
local WaveSystem = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("WaveSystem")
local WaveNumber = WaveSystem:WaitForChild("TotalNumberOfWaves")
function NewWave() -- This is the function that errors --
if Difficulty.Value == 1 then
maxnumber.Value = 70
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
elseif Difficulty.Value == 2 then
maxnumber.Value = 80
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
elseif Difficulty.Value == 3 then
maxnumber.Value = 90
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
elseif Difficulty.Value == 4 then
maxnumber.Value = 100
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
elseif Difficulty.Value == 5 then
maxnumber.Value = 110
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
local spawnLocation = ZombiesSpawns[math.random(1, #ZombiesSpawns)]
local Zombie = Zombies[math.random(1, #Zombies)]
local TpTo =
local new = Zombie:Clone()
new.Parent = ZombieCloningFolder
maxnumber.Value = maxnumber.Value - 1
until maxnumber.Value == 1
print("Started wave number: "..WaveNumber.Value)
if maxnumber.Value <= 0 then
print("Wave cloning succesful...")
This is only the erroring part of the code as I wish not to share the whole 300 lines.
Hm so can you try changing repeat function with while loop?
heres the example
while wait() do
if (maxnumber.Value <= 1) then
local spawnLocation = ZombiesSpawns[math.random(1, #ZombiesSpawns)]
local Zombie = Zombies[math.random(1, #Zombies)]
local TpTo =
local new = Zombie:Clone()
new.Parent = ZombieCloningFolder
maxnumber.Value = maxnumber.Value - 1local spawnLocation = ZombiesSpawns[math.random(1, #ZombiesSpawns)]
local Zombie = Zombies[math.random(1, #Zombies)]
local TpTo =
local new = Zombie:Clone()
new.Parent = ZombieCloningFolder
maxnumber.Value = maxnumber.Value - 1
I dont know if the fact I now have two while loops is causing a problem, here is most of my code:
-- Date created: 27/03/2021 --
-- Last updated: 2/03/2021 at 10:30--
-- Services --
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage") -- Gets server storage service --
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") -- Gets replicated storage service --
local WorkSpace = game:GetService("Workspace") -- Gets workspace service --
-- Map varibles --
local MapsFolder = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Maps") -- Finds the map folder --
local Maps = MapsFolder:GetChildren() -- Get the maps in the folder --
local CloneFolder = WorkSpace:WaitForChild("Map") -- The folder that the map will be cloned into --
-- Teleport Varibles
local RoundFolder = WorkSpace:WaitForChild("RoundSystem") -- Folder containing tp part --
local TpBrick = RoundFolder:WaitForChild("LobbyTeleport") -- tp part
-- Replicated Storage Varibles --
local MapSystem = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("MapSystem") -- Gets the value holding folder --
local Creator = MapSystem:WaitForChild("CreatorUserName") -- Gets the creator username --
local RoundLength = MapSystem:WaitForChild("RoundLength") -- Gets the round length (Seconds) --
local IntermissionLength = MapSystem:WaitForChild("IntermissionLength") -- Gets the intermission length (Seconds) --
local SecondsLeft = MapSystem:WaitForChild("SecondsLeft") -- Gets the seconds left value --
local MinutesLeft = MapSystem:WaitForChild("MinutesLeft") -- Gets the minutes left value --
local RoundSystemFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RoundSystem") -- Gets the round system holding folder --
local ClientTeleportEvent = RoundSystemFolder:WaitForChild("ClientGuiTeleport") -- Gets the client teleport remote event --
local ChosenMap = MapSystem:WaitForChild("ChosenMap") -- Gets the choosen map string --
local TimerTag = MapSystem:WaitForChild("TimeLeftTag") -- Gets the timer display string --
local ClientToServer = RoundSystemFolder:WaitForChild("ServerToClient") -- Gets the server to client event --
local ClientEventFolder = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("CharacterEvents") -- Gets the character events folder --
local ResetEvent = ClientEventFolder:WaitForChild("ResetStatEvent") -- Resets stats event --
local Map -- Change this in the script later --
function NewMap() -- This function will run when a round is over --
-- Clears the old map --
-- Map choosing --
Map = Maps[math.random(1, #Maps)]
-- Clones the map --
Map:Clone().Parent = CloneFolder
-- Sets the game items to the desired settings --
if Map:FindFirstChild("Settings") then -- Finds the setting information --
game.Lighting.Atmosphere.Density = Map.Settings.FogDensity.Value -- Sets fog density to that maps settings --
game.Lighting.Atmosphere.Color = Map.Settings.FogMain.Value -- Sets atmosphere colour to that maps settings--
game.Lighting.Atmosphere.Decay = Map.Settings.FogDecay.Value -- Sets fog decay value to that maps settings --
game.Lighting.TimeOfDay = Map.Settings.Time.Value -- Sets the time of day to that maps settings --
-- Map creator --
local mapcreator
mapcreator = Map:FindFirstChild("Creator")
if Map:FindFirstChild("Creator") then -- Finds then value "Creator" which is in each map --
Creator.Value = tostring(mapcreator.Value) -- Sets the value to the creator of the map --
ChosenMap.Value = tostring(Map.Name) -- Sets the value to map name --
End of the function.
local StatsFolder ="Folder")
StatsFolder.Parent = player
StatsFolder.Name = "IsInWave"
local InWave ="BoolValue")
InWave.Name = "InWave"
InWave.Parent = player
InWave.Value = false
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- Gets the local player --
ClientToServer.OnServerEvent:Connect(function() -- Will run when client to server event fired --
if Map:FindFirstChild("MapTeleportLocation") then -- Finds the map teleport location --
local TpValue = TpBrick:WaitForChild("TeleportValue") -- Finds the vector 3 value in the teleport part in workspace --
local TeleportTo = Map:WaitForChild("MapTeleportLocation") -- Finds the part to teleport to --
TpValue.Value = TeleportTo.Position -- Sets the value to the position of the part --
print("Teleport success") -- Prints teleport success to let the player know that it was successful --
player.IsInWave.InWave = true -- Changes the value to let the script know the player is in the wave --
end --[[
End of the if statment --
wait(15) -- Waits 15 seconds so the function doesnt run again and cause confussion --
end) --[[
End of the remote event function --
NewMap() -- When the first user joins the server this function will fire --
-- Wave system: --
-- Server Storage varibles --
local ZombieFolder = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Zombies") -- Finds the folder containing the zombies in it --
local Zombies = ZombieFolder:GetChildren() -- Gets the zombie models from the folder --
local ZombieCloningFolder = WorkSpace:WaitForChild("WaveSystem") -- Get the cloning folder in workspace --
local RoundOverServerEvent = MapSystem:WaitForChild("ServerToClientRoundOverEvent") -- Gets the remote event telling the script if the round is over --
RoundOverServerEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function() -- If this event is fired then this code runs --
ZombieCloningFolder:ClearAllChildren() -- Clears all of the zombies --
print("Failed to finish all 9 rounds...") -- Prints that the players failed to complete the 9 rounds --
print("Try again next time...") -- Prints try again next time --
wait(10) -- Waits 10 seconds so that there wont be more remote events --
end) --[[
End of the the round over function
local ZombieSpawnPointsFolder = Map:WaitForChild("ZombieSpawnPoints")
local ZombiesSpawns = ZombieSpawnPointsFolder:GetChildren()
local Difficultys = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Difficultys"):GetChildren()
local Difficulty = Difficultys[math.random(1, #Difficultys)]
local maxnumber = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("MaxNumber")
local NewWaveEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("NewWave")
local WaveSystem = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("WaveSystem")
local WaveNumber = WaveSystem:WaitForChild("TotalNumberOfWaves")
function NewWave() -- This is the function that errors --
if Difficulty.Value == 1 then
maxnumber.Value = 70
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
elseif Difficulty.Value == 2 then
maxnumber.Value = 80
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
elseif Difficulty.Value == 3 then
maxnumber.Value = 90
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
elseif Difficulty.Value == 4 then
maxnumber.Value = 100
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
elseif Difficulty.Value == 5 then
maxnumber.Value = 110
print("Zombies spawning: "..maxnumber.Value)
while wait() do
if (maxnumber.Value <= 1) then
maxnumber.Value = maxnumber.Value - 1
local spawnLocation = ZombiesSpawns[math.random(1, #ZombiesSpawns)]
local Zombie = Zombies[math.random(1, #Zombies)]
local TpTo =
local new = Zombie:Clone()
new.Parent = ZombieCloningFolder
maxnumber.Value = maxnumber.Value - 1
print("Started wave number: "..WaveNumber.Value)
if maxnumber.Value <= 0 then
print("Wave cloning succesful...")
while true do -- Will repeat forever --
-- The function changing the timers display --
if SecondsLeft.Value <= 9 then -- Finds out if the are less then 9 seconds left --
TimerTag.Value = tostring(MinutesLeft.Value)..":0"..tostring(SecondsLeft.Value) -- Changes the timer accordingly --
else -- Else statment
TimerTag.Value = tostring(MinutesLeft.Value)..":"..tostring(SecondsLeft.Value) -- Changes the timer accordingly --
end --[[
End of the if statment
if SecondsLeft.Value <= 0 then -- Finds out if there are no seconds left --
MinutesLeft.Value = MinutesLeft.Value - 1 -- Takes 1 away from the minutes left value --
SecondsLeft.Value = 59 -- Changes the seconds left value --
else -- Else Statment --
SecondsLeft.Value = SecondsLeft.Value - 1 -- Removes 1 from the seconds value --
end --[[
End of the else statment
wait(1) -- Waits 1 so the function runs properly
if MinutesLeft.Value == 0 and SecondsLeft.Value == 0 then
local RoundOverEvent = MapSystem:WaitForChild("ClientToServerRoundOverEvent")
wait(IntermissionLength) -- Waits the intermission length --
NewMap() -- New map is fired --
MinutesLeft.Value = 9 -- Sets the remaining value to 9 --
SecondsLeft.Value = 59 -- Sets the seconds value to 59 --
TimerTag.Value = tostring(MinutesLeft.Value..":"..tostring(SecondsLeft.Value)) -- Changes the timer tag to display correctly --