Mysterious errors showing up from live players

In a live game, I’m getting swamped with errors coming from a script I didn’t add. It appears that a few players are joining the game and starting with an item in their backpack that is not added anywhere in studio. Here’s a screenshot of the error report:

The bizarre thing is that nowhere in my game do I have a script called “CarClient”, and it is only showing up for these 2 players, directly in their backpacks. I’ve combed through everything I have and every plugin, and can’t find any malicious require() calls or permissions that could be adding this. Is it possible for players to have scripts on their accessories when they join? Could that be adding this script, or is it something else?

(I’ve also checked both of those player’s profiles, and neither of them have an accessory that looks like it would have scripts on it.)

Try using the find replace tab within studio to find require() scripts or scripts that clone objects into backpacks.

Thanks for the suggestion, I went through them all that way and there are none that I didn’t add myself, so I’m pretty sure this is not what’s happening

Do you have any cars in your game?

No I don’t have any cars or even vehicles for that matter, which is why this is so strange

You can add a script to delete the script called CarClient whenever something is added to a players backpack.

I’ll try that and see if I can find what object has that script when it’s added to the backpack. I’m still curious about accessories having scripts when players join, or how this could be added in the first place

If you don’t mind, I can try looking at your game for you in team create but that’s up to you.