myTalent Game Rules

Thanks for playing myTalent, we have some rules that you must follow in order to have the best experience.

myTalent Administrators like to try to keep bans at the last choice. We don’t like to give them out unless someone is breaking the rules majorly.
If you are banned and you think it is a mistake please contact us on discord.

Regular Rules/Regulations

  1. Spamming in the chat is not allowed while playing myTalent.

  2. Chat bypassing is not tolerated and will result in a ban.

  3. No performances such as singing, dancing, staring, jumping etc. This is not able to be done in a online game such as roblox.

  4. Exploiting is not tolerated and will get you a Perm ban from our game. Exploiting is not appealable.

  5. Host/Judge Abuse, abusing your panels/permissions (Killing performers randomly, Clicking start vote right when they join, pressing all the red buzzers, etc.) Will result in punishment.

  6. Music such as Ear rape, inappropriate music, etc. is not tolerated and will result in punishment.

  7. Impersonating an myTalent staff member is not tolerated and will result in consequences.

  8. Glitching is not tolerated please report glitches to an administrator by pressing the Mod Call button in the bottom left of your screen!

Use common sense not all rules are listed but if you think something is wrong don’t to it!

Server Hosts

  1. Mini-modding is not allowed in any way and will result in punishment.

  2. Server Hosts are not myTalent Staff!

  3. Using harmful commands such as kill plr is not tolerated and will result you losing your commands. Using commands on others is also not permitted. Only use harmful commands on yourself. Using commands on an myTalent Administrator+

  4. Teleporting others into restricted areas such as the stage, judge panel, etc.

  5. You may only use commands on players if they give you permission to.

  6. You are allowed to play music but if it is loud, or inappropriate do not play it. If players are getting annoyed by it then you should turn it off. When you leave the game, make sure to turn off your music.

  7. Flying players is not allowed.

  8. If you see another server host abusing please press the Mod Call button in the bottom left. Trying to stop the abuser will get you in trouble.

  9. No interrupting an performance.

No refunds will be given if you are banned for abuse.