Name Change

I’m giving name suggestions :angry:
You could stop being a noob about things

[quote] I’m giving name suggestions :angry:
You could stop being a noob about things [/quote]


[quote] I’m giving name suggestions :angry:
You could stop being a noob about things [/quote]

DrVibe, I know this has been said before, but I would be grateful if you try to cut down the use of your snotty, thoughtless and short posts.
I’m sorry about saying that :frowning:

[quote] [quote=“DrVibe” post=40470]I’m giving name suggestions :angry:
You could stop being a noob about things [/quote]

DrVibe, I know this has been said before, but I would be grateful if you try to cut down the use of your snotty, thoughtless and short posts.
I’m sorry about saying that :([/quote]

Guys - context matters. His post was a response to omarra’s post asking for name suggestions. In this case, it was legitimate.

Ultimately this thread will be obsolete when we implement private messaging. Until then, I’m moving it to our Inception section and stickying it. Please only post name change requests, no discussion.

Would it be possible to make my name “D”?
Dom is okay, but one letter is better than three.

Could you change my name from ‘Velibor’ to ‘Juriaan’ ?

[quote] Would it be possible to make my name “D”?
Dom is okay, but one letter is better than three.
:slight_smile: [/quote]
Unfortunately names have to be at least 2 characters long.


What about mine to Seany? It gets tiring using the same username after a while. My fav is Seany :slight_smile:

UristMcSparks, can I have my name here changed to Ripull ?

You got it changed like 3 or 4 days ago, you gotz to be more decisive.

I picked “DrVibe” before I checked to see if Seany was taken.

Seany it is.

We haven’t defined rules yet as to name changes and I hope we won’t need to. I don’t mind changing someone a couple of times till they find a name that works for them.

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Sorry for discussion, didn’t see above post, I’ll ask it again properly.

Can I have my name changed to Ripull please?

Can I have my named changed to Sam please?

Tis done.

Past names should be visible like in the main site in my opinion. Starting to get a bit confused with all these name changes.

The site does not allow anything different at the moment. When we have the current backend issues resolved I will see if there is an extension to address this. In the meantime, this thread will have to suffice in terms of name change notifications. With that in mind, lets keep discussions regarding this in other threads.

[strike]Instead of you manually changing our Usernames, why don’t we change them ourselves from Account Settings? And perhaps you could only change it like… once per month.[/strike]

Just saw the rule on no disucssions here, and this isn’t a custom made forum :stuck_out_tongue:

First non-admin to have a sticky post :wink:

Any chance my username could be changed to JohnMH?