Name Change

There is a very good chance that could happen. In fact, it just did.

You know…
It would just be awesome if my name was China…
Ah… imagine all the “Made in China” 's

[quote] You know…
It would just be awesome if my name was China…
Ah… imagine all the “Made in China” 's [/quote]

I hope you meant it. This thread is serious business, not for speculation.

Does your name have to be your roblox name?

if not can mine be Omar?

[quote] Does your name have to be your roblox name?

if not can mine be Omar? [/quote]

No, it does not have to be your ROBLOX user name. As far as I’m concerned, your name can be anything here as long as it is not vulgar or an attempt to impersonate someone else.

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Would you change my username to “Mauv?”

This would be so it could match my updated ROBLOX name.

EDIT: Thanks for changing it B)

Thanks for the name change, and I did mean it.

Could I get my name changed to InceptionTime (My new RB username) please. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Thanks :smiley:


[quote] Awesome!
Thanks for the name change, and I did mean it.
XD [/quote]

Post made in China.

[quote] Awesome!
Thanks for the name change, and I did mean it.
XD [/quote]

Post made in China.[/quote]

q.q everything is made in china, even my pencil!!

[quote] [quote=“China” post=43373]Awesome!
Thanks for the name change, and I did mean it.
XD [/quote]

Post made in China.[/quote]

q.q everything is made in china, even my pencil!![/quote]

Can my name be updated to anon80475429 as I changed usernames

Could my name be changed to Kertopher please? It’s my alt on roblox.

[quote] Does your name have to be your roblox name?

if not can mine be Omar? [/quote]

No, it does not have to be your ROBLOX user name. As far as I’m concerned, your name can be anything here as long as it is not vulgar or an attempt to impersonate someone else.[/quote]

Well, could mine be Tiger? Shorten with no numbers is nice. :smiley:

This ritual has not been invoked for quite some time.

Nonetheless, it is done.

Invoking the ritual again, can my username be changed to simply Jon?

Simply changed to simply Jon. Unless you specifically wanted the name “simply Jon”.

Jon is great! Thanks!

Can I please get mine changed to Lilly?

Since everyone is going for RL name > ROBLOX username :slight_smile:

Could I have mine changed to: “Dork”