Name for a railway game

This is my first post on the dev forum, I hope this is not the wrong gategory for this :smiley:

So I am making a railway game. The most difficult part for me is making up names for the operators, and most importatly the game.

If someone is good at making games, could you please give a few suggestions :slight_smile:


What’s the theme of the game? That would help a lot

Maybe “Gaming Railways” like you could name it after yourself. But like @khalid195 said we don’t have any reference photos or anything.

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I had this idea for a train games name which was “Train Line” or “Railways”

It depends on what concepts your game is se in ans theme? Or the gameplay of your game the thread needs more information.

Usually when finding a perfect original game name is to brainstorm different ideas and words and see which one suits your liking that come to mind when thinking about the game or what the concept is or game play. Then from there you can try combining different words you have in mind or phrases and see which ones you’re more interested in or ones you like.

Try to see what location your game is set in If you’re naming your game “railway empire“ or something with railway in it there are many games that have similar names like that be original switch it up it bit so it’ll be easier for players that come across your game. You want your name to be intriguing interesting to players don’t choose a name that doesn’t fit the theme or concept.

So if your making a railway game like old or modern it would depend on the theme or type of game.
Since old theme could be vintage railway and subway could be something else.
So I can’t really think of a name until you tell us the theme or type of your game really.

So , Sorry I couldn’t help find a good name. :frowning:
Hopefully you could find a good name for the game your going to develop.

Railway names are frequently based on the geographic nature of the area they cover, is there a particular region you are basing it on?

As I forgot to update this topic haha, I changed the name already. It’s Coastline Railways. Sorry for this xd