Name Ideas needed for map

For the first section of my game map, I am going to give each hill it’s own name, but apart from Russian names, I cannot think of any more.

A, B, C and D are the hills that need names.


I thought of Drovkana, Sakhalinskiy, Moskvaskiy, but I don’t think most people would understand it.

I decided to merge B with Bravo, but A, C and D are still seperate.

If it is a battle game you may want to keep it as Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, etc

It is a progressive map, kind of like unboxing simulator. The maps have a bunch of hills that spawn coins and your goal is to protect the hill and progress.

Steepside hills for one of them maybe?

I was making random russian sounding city names, not actual ones.

Moskvaskiy means Moscovian, and Sakhalinskiy means from Sakhalin, which are real places.
And Drovkana is just a random name I thought of.

Doing actual city names in the Rus like Rostov, Kiev, Minsk, ect. would be odd, expecially with the Ukraine-Russian conflict I can already imagine people rping taking over a hill called ‘Kiev’.

I don’t think any of them would fit into that name. Maybe Bravo but that already got a name.

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Looks interesting, I am not very good at naming things but I gave a suggestion there. I see now that this is a Russian themed battle game after reading a bit, good luck with name suggestions!

No, it is just that the only names I could think of was Russian, the Game is a progressive KOTH (king of the hill) game.

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Here is the whole map, this is what I mean by progressive.


Oh, I see, my bad! Either way, it looks really nice.


I settled on these names:

Alpha and Delta, which are greek letters.
And Yugo, which means South in Pan-Slavic languages.