Name Recommendations for Speed Run Game

Hello, my name is Noti_fied, and I’m working on a speed run game with a team, development is going smoothly, we plan to release extremely soon. However, we don’t know what our game should be called. We’ve been looking for a name for the past 5 ish hours.

Brief Description of The Game:

Our game is gonna be based on rounds, players can choose for a map, then they race, whether you come first or last, you will gain XP, of course, first place will have the most XP. XP can obviously help towards leveling up, the higher level you’re, the more currency you’ll have (Coins). With these coins, you can buy crates that will obtain all sorts of things.

With that being said, we need a name for the Speed Run, do you guys have any suggestions?

Any comments are appreciated. :slightly_smiling_face:


I was thinking these names might work:

  • Speedy Segment
  • Maxed Run
  • Rampid Run
  • Speed Series

Hope these helped, and best of luck!


You just gave me the best idea, I really do appreciate your answer!

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