Name tag working for everyone but me

Hello! I’m working on a game with pronoun tags above people’s heads but when I click the button to put them above my head, it says it activated the tag, but I dont see it. I tested it on an alt and it worked but it didn’t work on my main

Button script:

Server script:

pronoun tag (billboard gui):

Pronoun tag text label

Can you help me on this?

I think I see the problem

pronounsText should be equal to newpronouns.Pronouns.

You are setting the template not the clone

it looks ok to me, I would just suggest maybe making duplicates of the tags and having the text already in there maybe.

Also set the text for the clone not the original or it wont be visible.

For more help Dm me on discord @ kieranl29#3675.

I set pronounsText to newpronouns.Pronouns and it changed nothing :frowning:

I’m not exactly sure how to fix it although Ik there are many tutorials and documentation about custom name tags try giving it a google

if u want u can dm me on discord or dev forum anytime ( kieranl29#3675 on discord)

However All i can think of atm without being in studio to see it myself is there maybe a bug somewhere.

Alright, I tested on an alt, and it worked on my alt but didn’t work on my main….