Name Your Price Product

This is just a quick little thingy I hacked up in about an hour (thanks to KirkyTurky for some help). It uses HttpService to have my server send a POST request to ROBLOX to make the product. Planning on using this for my game, I can see a lot of uses.

You can try it out here

Yay! now i can give you money!
But seriously, it’s pretty cool.

Awesome! I tried to do this a while ago but I’m hopeless with anything web-related. Make a tutorial pls?

OMG! I’ve been needing something like this for a project I’m about to start! Any way you could let me in on it? :durrr: I could give credit or watermark, etc. Would make a slight few changes first tho.

This would be great for donations and stuff like that!

Any chance of free source? :c

There is a chance that I’ll make my PHP code open-souce on GitHub.

To people asking for the script – if Usering decides to hand it out, that’s great. Now, I’m not trying to degrade what Usering has done here at all, just simply explain how you can do it yourself.
ROBLOX has an API. Using a proxy, you could log yourself in (though you should be careful with that in a script; probably best to send a request to a server that will then enter the credentials.) After that, there’s also a certain link you could HTTP POST to and create a product with any given price.

[quote] To people asking for the script – if Usering decides to hand it out, that’s great. Now, I’m not trying to degrade what Usering has done here at all, just simply explain how you can do it yourself.
ROBLOX has an API. Using a proxy, you could log yourself in (though you should be careful with that in a script; probably best to send a request to a server that will then enter the credentials.) After that, there’s also a certain link you could HTTP POST to and create a product with any given price. [/quote]

Well yeah, but as a non-web developer I have no idea how to do that. I need a tutorial, not a general 3-step solution.

[quote] To people asking for the script – if Usering decides to hand it out, that’s great. Now, I’m not trying to degrade what Usering has done here at all, just simply explain how you can do it yourself.
ROBLOX has an API. Using a proxy, you could log yourself in (though you should be careful with that in a script; probably best to send a request to a server that will then enter the credentials.) After that, there’s also a certain link you could HTTP POST to and create a product with any given price. [/quote]

From a web developer standpoint, it’s really not that hard once you know what parameters you have to fill in and what extra security info you need to send. From someone who doesn’t know about web development, this is a miracle.

Also, I am going to open-source my PHP code on GitHub when ROBLOX is back up. I updated my code and need to make sure the change actually works.

Alright, I have fixed up and released the PHP script I made for this!

Get it from GitHub

An official API for this stuff would be nice

Nice work, this could be really useful.

[quote] Alright, I have fixed up and released the PHP script I made for this!

Get it from GitHub [/quote]

Some of that code looks familiar. :wink:

This is really interesting, I’ve done something similar to this though I discontinued it since I had this question I couldn’t answer:

Once the developer product is created how would you remove it… if you just allow all your players to create a product, in no time ( if you have a successful place ) your dev products list will be filled and it would be hard for you to separate the actual game’s product to the products created by the players.

Anyway, nice work!

I had the code for sending a curl request on my PasteBin for a while, forgot where it came from though…

You can’t remove any developer products from your place.


You can’t remove any developer products from your place.[/quote]

I know what I’m saying is, wouldn’t it be a little messy later? Since the new theme for each game that roblox made now shows the developer products it’d be kind of ugly to see all the developer products created by the players, plus it would be hard to search for the developer products that the place owner has made as official products for the game that players can actually use.

This issue can be solved 3 different ways:

  1. Roblox creates a way for you to be able to remove a developer product.
  2. Roblox creates two sections ( or two kinds of developer products ) one kind is the Official products and the other are the ones created unofficially.
  3. Roblox can create their own developer product that allows the developer to allow the player to name their own price.

Developer Products are not showcased in the new theme. They are meant as a medium that are supposed to be purchased in game, putting them on display on the website makes no sense.

If the password is saved as plain text would it not be easy to read it?

The password is not saved. Your .ROBLOSECURITY is saved in the cookies file, but the name of the cookies file is a hash of both the username and password combined. No one should be able to get to the cookies file easily. If you’re worried about someone intercepting the request, you can always use SSL.

I had the code for sending a curl request on my PasteBin for a while, forgot where it came from though…[/quote]

I was actually talking about the login function. :slight_smile: