I’ve had some issues with this before. You should try moving the name tag/billboard GUI to be a child of the script. (I’m assuming your script is in server script storage) [Edit: I’m not sure exactly why, but this has fixed my similar issue in the past. The script should work fine but for some reason, for me at least, it’s been the problem of it being in replicated storage]
Maybe also try using print(Clone.Parent) so we can see where the clone is, because it should definitely get made.
I was moving stuff around and noticed that it works with the HumaniodRootPart but not the head is it because it is a mesh part, and also the Dummy for the rig importer has Parts as heads not mesh parts while your character has a mesh part head.
Yes! I’ve had this problem before, don’t understand it whatsoever but yeah that’s definitely not just you. And @CloudyCloset_Holder I’ve got a script on one of my places and I’ll definitely try to get that and share it to fix your issue, unless someone beats me to it (it might be a little bit)