Nametag Script Issue

I recently made a nametag for my hotel game. (If you don’t know what I mean it shows your rank and username above your head). My rank is Bear, or the Owner. But if I join my game, it will say that I am a guest, not the rank that I actually am. Here is the script and me in the game:


Re-check your group id, or make sure your this account is in group.

I am the owner of the group. And the ID is definately the right one.

Add a table such as:

local rankNames = {
      100 = "Owner" -- rank value when using :GetRoleInGroup()

Then go through the table with their player rank and set it.

local PlayerRank = Player:GetRoleInGroup(groupId)
InformationLabel.Text = Player.Name .. " - " .. rankNames[PlayerRank]

Another thing to note, maybe inside of your group, your rank settings may be set wrong.

What is the default text for the labels (the text it was before you changed it) maybe it’s not changing at all

I think the username was “NAME” and the rank was “RANK”

try separate name label and rank label.

They are seperate. (It isn’t the name thats not working, it’s the rank that’s messing up)

are there any errors in the output, im pretty sure RoleInGroup returns a number

Let me see. Give me a second. a

nvm, it returns number from rank in group


then we have to see ‘255’ maybe.

what line is this on? char limit

I have this script in my game:

	if players[player]:GetRoleInGroup(6589440) == "Main Developer" then

and this work.


is the script that you sent the entire script?

Yes. It is. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I hate the 30 words limit. It is so annoying,

there are no errors? I can’t really find any other reason why it wont work