Nametag that changes to a different group when join to a specific team

I have teams in my game and one of them is called “Auxiliary Police”, i want the player’s nametag to change to a different group if they join the Auxiliary Police team.
How to do?

My nametag script

local marketPlaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService") --Gets Marketplace Service for verifying the gamepass.

local nameTagFolder ="Folder",script) --Creates a new folder for holding the nametag GUIs.
nameTagFolder.Name = "Nametags" --Renames the folder to "Nametags".

local resetScript = script.Resources.ClientTagReset --Creates a clone of the reset script.
resetScript.Parent = game.StarterPlayer.StarterPlayerScripts --Moves the clone to StarterPlayerScripts.
resetScript.Disabled = false --Enables the script.

local vipManualArray = { --Add players to the VIP list by listing their username here seperated by semicolons.  This creates a type of table called an array.
	""; --Format should be: "Username1";
	""; --              "Username2";
	""; --                   And so on...
local groupId = script.Settings.GroupId.Value --Set the IntVal "GroupId" (in the Settings folder) to your group's id.
local gamepassId = script.Settings.GamePassId.Value --Set the IntVal "GamePassID" (in the Settings folder) to a "VIP" style gamepass id for your game.
local noRoleName = script.Settings.NoRoleName.Value --Set the StringVal "NoRoleName" (in the Settings folder) to whatever you want the rank to be for those who aren't in your group (e.g. 'Visitor', 'Customer', etc.).

newTagFunction = function(player) --Creates a new function named newTagFunction.
	if nameTagFolder:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."_Tag") then --Checks if an old nametag already exists.
		nameTagFolder:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."_Tag"):Destroy() --Destroys the preexisting nametag (if applicable).
	end --Denotes the end of the if-then statement
	local newTag = script.Resources.DefaultTag:Clone() --Creates a new nametag.
	newTag.Parent = script.Nametags --Puts newTag into the Nametag folder.
	newTag.Name = player.Name.."_Tag" --Renames newTag to PlayerName_Tag.
	newTag.Holder.PlayerName.TextColor3 = script.Settings.NameColor.Value --Sets the name TextColor to whatever the NameColor value is.
	newTag.Holder.Rank.TextColor3 = script.Settings.RankColor.Value --Sets the rank TextColor to whatever the RankColor value is.
	repeat --Repeats the code indented below until a certain condition is satisfied below.
		wait(.01) --Waits 0.1 seconds.
	until player.Character ~= nil --Waits until the character has spawned.
	local character = player.Character --Sets the variable character equal to the player's character.
	newTag.Adornee = character.Head --Makes the tag appear over the player's head.
	newTag.Holder.PlayerName.Text = player.Name --Changes the nametag so that the player's name is shown.
	newTag.Holder.Rank.Text = player:GetRoleInGroup(groupId) --Sets the Rank to whatever a user's rank in the group groupId is.
	if player:GetRoleInGroup(groupId) == "Guest" then --Checks if the user isn't in the group.
		newTag.Holder.Rank.Text = noRoleName --Changes the Rank Textlabel to whatever noRoleName is set to.
	end --Denotes the end of the if-then statement.
	character.Humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = "None" --Gets rid of default name.
	newTag.Enabled = true --Makes the nametag visible.
	if marketPlaceService:UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, gamepassId) == true then
		local rainbowName = script.Resources.RainbowScript:Clone() --Makes a clone of the Rainbow VIP script.
		local rainbowRank = script.Resources.RainbowScript:Clone()
		rainbowName.Parent = newTag.Holder.PlayerName --Puts the Rainbow VIP script into the nametag.
		rainbowRank.Parent = newTag.Holder.Rank
		rainbowName.Disabled = false --Enables the Rainbow VIP script.
		rainbowRank.Disabled = false
	else --Executes the below code if the player doesn't own the gamepass.
		for i = 1, #vipManualArray do --Goes through the below code once for every user in the list.
			wait(.001) --Waits .001 seconds every iteration.
			if player.Name == vipManualArray[i] then --Checks if the player's name is in the VIP array.
				local rainbowName = script.Resources.RainbowScript:Clone() --Makes a clone of the Rainbow VIP script.
				local rainbowRank = script.Resources.RainbowScript:Clone()
				rainbowName.Parent = newTag.Holder.PlayerName --Puts the Rainbow VIP script into the nametag.
				rainbowRank.Parent = newTag.Holder.Rank
				rainbowName.Disabled = false --Enables the Rainbow VIP script.
				rainbowRank.Disabled = false
			end --Denotes the end of the if-then statement.
		end --Denotes the end of the for-do loop.
	end --Denotes the end of the if-else statement.
	if script.Settings.UseLeaderstats.Value == true then --Checks to see if leadertstats is enabled in Settings.
		local leaderstatsFolder ="Folder") --Creates a new folder for leaderstats.
		local leaderstatsRankVal ="StringValue") --Creates a new StringVal for the rank.
		if player:GetRankInGroup(groupId) ~= 0 then --Checks if the player is in the group.
			leaderstatsRankVal.Value = player:GetRoleInGroup(groupId) --Sets that StringVal equal to the player's rank.
		else --Executes this code if the user isn't in the group.
			leaderstatsRankVal.Value = noRoleName --Makes the user's leaderstat rank whatever noRoleName is.
		end --Denotes the end of the if-then-else statement.
		if player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") == nil then --Checks to see if the player already has a leadertstats folder.
			leaderstatsFolder.Name = "leaderstats" --Names the leaderstats folder.
			leaderstatsFolder.Parent = player --Parents the leaderstats folder to the player.
			leaderstatsRankVal.Parent = leaderstatsFolder --Parents the rank to the leaderstats folder.
		else --Executes the below code if a leaderstats folder already exists.
			leaderstatsFolder:Destroy() --Destroys the new leaderstats folder.
			leaderstatsRankVal.Parent = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") --Parents the StringVal to the pre-existing folder.
		end --Denotes the end of the if-then-else statement.
		leaderstatsRankVal.Name = "Rank" --Renames the StringVal to "Rank".
	end --Denotes the end of the if-then statement for if leaderstats are enabled.
end --Denotes the end of the function.

end) --Fires newTagFunction whenever a player joins.

script.Resources.ResetTag.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player) --Fires the below function every time that the ResetTag event is fired from the client.
	script.Nametags:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."_Tag").Adornee = player.Character.Head --Resets the nametag's adornee.
	player.Character.Humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = "None" --Makes the default name invisible.
end) --Denotes the end of the function.

game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) --Starts whenever the player leaves.
	script.Nametags:FindFirstChild(player.Name.."_Tag"):Destroy() --Gets rid of the players nametag.
end) --Denotes the end of the function.

and this is how it looks in workspace