I made a simple nametag with flags.
Model: NameTag - Roblox
local function getFlag(player)
local code = LocalizationService:GetCountryRegionForPlayerAsync(player)
local first = string.byte(string.upper(string.sub(code, 1, 1))) - 0x41 + 0x1F1E6
local second = string.byte(string.upper(string.sub(code, 2, 2))) - 0x41 + 0x1F1E6
return utf8.char(first) .. utf8.char(second)
yeah but when I join with alt accounts apparently neither nametag nor flag loads. At this point there is an issue in my game i guess. Also, I have seen that sometimes flags are only visible for the player himself, while the others see a blue loading sign.
(Anyways cool system)