Hello people of the dev forum
Recently I started realising how much of a pain it was to get the path of an instance to use in a script and so I googled to see if there was a better solution to getting the full name of a part but there was nothing. So just the other day when I was bored I decided to just make it. I hope it’s something that can help you out when scripting and if you have any suggestions feel free to reply with them and I’ll look into it.
P.S. This is my first public plugin so please be nice and if you have any plugin suggestions feel free to reply and I might pick some that I think are nice.
yeah, that’s exactly what the plugin uses. I just wanted to make a plugin that would make it easier instead of having to do :GetFullName() for every object.
I believe a better alternative to :GetFullName() would be this function:
local SpecialCharacters = {
['\a'] = '\\a',
['\b'] = '\\b',
['\f'] = '\\f',
['\n'] = '\\n',
['\r'] = '\\r',
['\t'] = '\\t',
['\v'] = '\\v',
['\0'] = '\\0'
local Keywords = {
['and'] = true,
['break'] = true,
['do'] = true,
['else'] = true,
['elseif'] = true,
['end'] = true,
['false'] = true,
['for'] = true,
['function'] = true,
['if'] = true,
['in'] = true,
['local'] = true,
['nil'] = true,
['not'] = true,
['or'] = true,
['repeat'] = true,
['return'] = true,
['then'] = true,
['true'] = true,
['until'] = true,
['while'] = true,
['continue'] = true
local function GetFullName(Object)
local Hierarchy = {}
local ChainLength = 1
local Parent = Object
while Parent do
Parent = Parent.Parent
ChainLength = ChainLength + 1
Parent = Object
local Num = 0
while Parent do
Num = Num + 1
local ObjName = string.gsub(Parent.Name, '[%c%z]', SpecialCharacters)
ObjName = Parent == game and 'game' or ObjName
if Keywords[ObjName] or not string.match(ObjName, '^[_%a][_%w]*$') then
ObjName = '["' .. ObjName .. '"]'
elseif Num ~= ChainLength - 1 then
ObjName = '.' .. ObjName
Hierarchy[ChainLength - Num] = ObjName
Parent = Parent.Parent
return table.concat(Hierarchy)
because if you have a part name that uses reserved Lua keywords such as and, or a part with spaces (test part), then :GetFullName() wouldnt properly get those names - or at least it wouldn’t get the names with valid Lua syntax. This custom function I wrote would get the names properly, I.e workspace.and → workspace["and"] etc.
Namify now supports syntax/operator characters (Thanks to @PysephDEV for the suggestion and an example of some code) as well as numbers. E.g. 1word, %percentage, ca$h.
If you have any issues or you feel I have missed a character feel free to reply to this message and I’ll check it out.