Naming our currencys

So with our upcoming game which is about ice skating, we want to now think of name for what the currency is.
So far my team with @Birdcager and @Kitkatsncoffee has thought this ones. I do not understand as well so we want to do vote for people to say as we cannoto afford to fell wrong.

which name for money
  • 1 Ice Chips
  • 2 Snowflakes
  • 3 SkateBucks
  • 4 Snow Coins
  • 5 ice coins
  • 6 Coins
  • 7 other od comments

0 voters

If someone called other people “snowflakes” in your game, it would become a compliment instead.

I would really prefer snowflakes because it fits the game theme/genre.

(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)

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