National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Group Guide

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Guide
Last updated Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Group Link: NASA - Roblox
NASA YouTube Channel:

Welcome to NASA! We were founded as one of the first groups in Roblox on Wednesday, July 29, 2009. The current owner, DirectorHGenius, became the owner on Sunday, September 20, 2015. The current Senior Director, TheTheJay31, became the Senior Director on Sunday, November 12, 2023.


NASA has 7 spacecraft, including 3 Space Shuttles, which represent the past, present, and future of NASA.

Aspiration, built in 2013: NASA’s first spacecraft, this Space Shuttle fits two Astronauts.
NASA - Launch Site: STS-Aspiration - Roblox

Ambition, built in 2016: This Space Shuttle fits four Astronauts. Ambition carries a satellite in its payload, which is deployed into orbit by the Astronauts.
NASA - STS-Ambition - Satellite Launch Pad - Roblox

Astute, built in 2021: This Space Shuttle fits six Astronauts. Astute often carries Spacelab in its payload, a laboratory for conducting experiments in space. It can also carry satellites, such as the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory, in missions that do not carry Spacelab.
NASA - Launch Site: STS-Astute - Roblox

Rubra Stella, built in 2015: This fictional spacecraft flies four Astronauts to the surface of Mars.
NASA - Launch Site: Rubra Stella - Roblox

Skylab, built in 2017: This spacecraft flies three Astronauts on an Apollo Command Module to the Skylab space station.
NASA - Launch Site: Skylab - Roblox

Orion, built in 2020: This spacecraft flies six Astronauts to the International Space Station. Orion is planned to have crewed launches in real life, starting in 2024.
NASA - Launch Site: SLS-Orion - Roblox

Apollo, built in 2022: Our newest spacecraft, this spacecraft flies three Astronauts to the Moon, with two flying down to the surface and one staying in orbit.
NASA - Launch Site: Apollo - Roblox

Promotion Guide

This Promotion Guide lists the ranks/jobs of NASA, and how you can get a job. You can be certified for both Astronaut and Mission Controller.

A CIVILIAN is a regular member of the group. They may spectate events but they will need to be qualified in order to participate as an Astronaut or as part of Mission Control. In order to become a CIVILIAN, you must simply join the group.

An UNIDEAL MEMBER is a member that is unideal. Their behavior has been shown to be the opposite of ideal. Their behavior is disruptive and if they continue they will end up becoming suspended or even exiled depending on the lengths of their negativity.

MISSION CONTROL IN TRAINING is a rank for members who are in the process of getting trained for Advanced Mission Control. Mission Controllers are people who help manage missions. They know the ins and outs of their stations for missions. All you need to do is state you wish to be a Mission Controller.

A member of ADVANCED MISSION CONTROL is a Mission Controller who is fully qualified. You must receive MC training from a qualified person who has authorization to train. These are the NASA Administrators - Junior Directors, Directors, and the Senior Director. You can organize a private training with them or join a group training which should be held frequently. To be promoted to Advanced Mission Control, you must be trained to do Mission Control at two shuttle sites, and one non-shuttle launch site.

An ASTRONAUT is someone who helps complete a mission in space. If you would like to be an astronaut, you will need to complete the course at NASA’s Astronaut Training Center. The Astronaut Training Center has a theory exam, a practical test to see how you respond under G-force, and a test to see if you can use the Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU) fluently. If you need any help, there is a YouTube video tutorial linked in the description of the Astronaut Training Center. If you still need help, you should ask an active Administrator (Junior Director, Director, or Senior Director) on the group wall. After you’re done, stand on the red plate and take a screenshot. Upload the screenshot as a decal, and then post the link to the decal on NASA’s group wall. If you need help with any of this, feel free to ask an Administrator on the group wall. We will need to be able to read your name on the leaderboard in the top right corner of your screen. Astronauts can fly on missions, but need Advanced Astronaut training to fly as the Pilot.
Link to the Astronaut Training Center: NASA - Astronaut Training Centre - Roblox

An ADVANCED ASTRONAUT is a rank for astronauts that are fully qualified as Astronauts and Pilots on missions. To be an AA (Advanced Astronaut), you must first be an Astronaut. Then you must receive AA training (also known as Pilot training) from an Administrator (Junior Director, Director, or Senior Director). Be active by attending events and then schedule a training with an Administrator. Group trainings, which are trainings where the whole group is invited, are done occasionally but are very busy. There is not a guarantee that everyone will be trained. Once you have been trained for Advanced Astronaut/Pilot at two shuttle launch sites and one non-shuttle site, you will be promoted to Advanced Astronaut.

If you are interested in SECURITY, which is in charge of guarding important buildings during events, or ENGINEERS and SCIENTISTS, who are the builders and scripters of the group, respectively, please contact an Administrator (Junior Director, Director, or Senior Director).


Currently, NASA holds three launches per weekend:

  1. Saturdays at 2 PM EST (UTC-5) and 7 PM GMT (UTC+0), Sundays at 6 AM AEDT (UTC+11)
  2. Saturdays at 9 PM EST, Sundays at 2 AM GMT and 1 PM AEDT
  3. Sundays at 2 PM EST and 7 PM GMT, Mondays at 6 AM AEDT

Directors are allowed to host launches in addition to these times. Launches may sometimes be cancelled if no Administrators (Junior Directors, Directors, Senior Director) are available to host.

Any questions? Feel free to ask on the group wall!

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