National Chaos Insurgency Codex


Table of Contents

1: Sites of Interest
2: SCPs of Interest
3: Specific Raid Rules
4: Designations and Rank Structure
5: Divisions/Cells
6: Encoded Commands
7: Our Mission
8: Ranking System
9: Point System

1: Sites of Interest
[HPT: High Priority Target] Take HPTs hostage or kill them but they are prioritized.

Notes: Area-02 is a very pay-to-win site and heavily favors the SCP Foundation. You will always be at a disadvantage when raiding here, but you have a combat medkit to use when in a pinch.

CI Entry: None, you can join CI freely however it has a cap of 7-8.
Support: All platforms including mobile however mobile raiding is a terrible idea here.
Access: Free
Region: Iceland
HPTs: The O5 Council, high ranking ScDs, and Site Command.

Notes: Site-76 is a wonderful site with many coded and original SCPs. Internal security, site directors and the overseer can disguise themselves as one of us so check for spies frequently.

CI Entry: Escape as Class-D or buy the Chaos Insurgency gamepass to skip the escape process.
Support: PC Only
Access: Paid, 75 robux.
Region: Unknown
HPTs: The Site Director and The Overseer.

Notes: Site 006 is run by the Nova Corporation which is a mimic of the SCP foundation. Expect a fight when capturing HPTs here because their primary weapon is overpowered.

CI Entry: Buy the Red Wolves team gamepass for 50 robux or the Nova Dominion gamepass for 350 robux. Alternatively, you can purchase the Rogue Test Subject gamepass for 750 if you want to provide a distraction.
Support: PC and Mobile
Access: Free
Region: Unknown
HPTs: Site Overwatch and Class-X Overwatch.

Notes: Area-113 is an ordinary site with nothing too odd about it. It has chaos, we are chaos and yada yada.

CI Entry: Paid, 35 robux.
Support: All platforms
Access: Free
Region: Unknown
HPTs: O5 Council, Site Director

Zeta Medical Center:
Notes: Seemingly a medical asylum of some kind. However it houses an agency calling itself Zeta Labs. Zeta Labs attempts to use anomalous science and weaponize it.

CI Entry: Paid, 650 robux (hostile forces gamepass)
Support: PC
Access: Free
Region: Nevada, America.
HPTs: Zeta Labs, Facility Administration, Facility Intelligence

Notes: Seemly normal SCP game.

CI Entry: Free, get 15 XP.
Support: PC
Access: Free
Region: Unknown
HPTs: O5 Council, Site Director, Scientific Department.

Notes: SCP game that is slightly p2w.

CI Entry: Paid, 35 robux.
Support: Mobile, PC.
Access: Free
Region: Unknown
HPTs: The Administrator, O5 Council, Site Director, Scientific Department.

Notes: A more complex SCP site.

CI Entry: Paid, 130 robux.
Support: Mobile, PC.
Access: Free
Region: Hawaii, United States.
HPTs: O5 Council, Administrative Department, Scientific Department.

2: SCPs of Interest
The following SCPs are to breached as soon as possible and are to be prioritized over all other SCPs.

SCP: 173 | Classification: Distraction

SCP: 049 | Classification: Distraction

SCP: 966 | Classification: Distraction

SCP: 457 | Classification: Distraction/Weapon

SCP: 008 | Classification: Weapon

SCP: 409 | Classification: Weapon

SCP: 096 | Classification: Distraction

SCP: 023 | Classification: Distraction

3: Specific Raid Rules

Area-47: Do not team kill.

Site-76: Do not disguise yourself as other RAIDERS.

Area-02: Do not spread fire to Class-D personnel intentionally. This also applies to SCP 407.

ZMC: Do not kill medical staff intentionally as they can betray Zeta and heal you which they do often.

Universal: Do not kill unarmed HPTs, capture them first. If they give no information, you are authorized to kill them.

Universal: Do not spawn camp the defending team.

Universal: Do not cooperate with foundation personnel. [Exempt to Zeta medics with limitations]

Universal: Do not surrender, you fight to the death or you don’t fight at all.

Universal: Do not leak NCI raid plans to the enemy team.

Specific Exemptions To Specific Raid Rules:

You may kill a hostile in their spawn if you accidentally wondered in the enemy spawn and are actively trying to leave their spawn.

You may fake surrender as long as you have no intention of actually surrendering. Ie, it’s a plan to lower enemy guard.

You may kill unarmed HPTs if they interfere with your operations. i.e, take a keycard you need or jump in front of your gun.

You may leak FALSE plans to the enemy team to throw them off. (with permission of the raid leader)

You may team kill if the person you are shooting has shot you or one of your comrades first.

4: Designations and Rank Structure

“The Marshal” - A member of Delta Command codenamed The Marshal, oversees the entire Chaos Insurgency and also created it.

“The Commander” - A member of Delta Command codenamed The Commander, makes sure the Chaos Insurgency is working as intended.

Delta Command - Twelve individuals of mysterious and sometimes anomalous origin. They keep the group running.

Cell Director - Directs a cell within the Chaos Insurgency and is considered to be a sub-member of the Delta Command.

Alpha - Members with this designation are considered senior officers of the Chaos Insurgency.

Beta - Members with this designation are considered officers of the Chaos Insurgency.

Gamma - Members with this designation are considered NCOs of the Chaos Insurgency and thus permitted to command raids.

Delta - Members with this designation are considered senior operatives of the Chaos Insurgency.

Sigma - Members with this designation are considered operatives of the Chaos Insurgency.

Trainee - Members with this rank are untrained aspiring operatives of the Chaos Insurgency.

5: Cells & Divisions

Special Operations (SOC):
The Special Operations Cell is a cell comprised of the most elite, highly trained operatives. They are deployed for official raids, capture missions and assassination missions.

External Relations (ERC):
The external relations cell is in charge of forming and maintaining alliances with other groups.

Discord Moderation Cell (DMC):
The DMC is responsable for keeping the communications server safe. Mainly comprised of trusted individuals which do not plan on climbing the ranks.

Internal Security (ISC):
This cell is tasked with snuffing out and removing traitors or spies against the Chaos Insurgency. They have the right to interrogate people and ban those they presume to be traitors (with approval from DELCOM).

Division Eta:
Division Eta is a division of military personnel assigned with raiding a specific area of interest, Blacksite Zeta. Blacksite Zeta is seemingly a normal insane asylum but it uses its patients as test subjects for anomalous sciences.

Division Iota:
Division Iota is a division of military personnel assigned with raiding a specific area of interest, Site-006. Site-006 is run by the Nova Corporation which is seemingly a mimic or splinter of the SCP Foundation. Site-006 contains anomalies and test subjects which appear to be renamed Class-D personnel.

Division Kilo: Raids Site 76 which requires everyone to pay for access to the game.

Division Tau: Raids Area 47 which requires CI to purchase their role with Robux.

Division Omega: Raids area 52 which requires CI to purchase their role.

Division Epsilon: Raids area 113 which requires CI to purchase their role.

Cells have their own section of this server, divisions do not.

6: Encoded Commands

The following commands are used in-game in team chat or radio chat if the game has radios, do not bother using it in VC nor the radio discord channel unless the chat is bubble only and does not have radios.

Code White: Do not take HPTs as hostages, kill them without hesitation.

Code Orange: Expect Class-D assistance during this time.

Code Gray: Fall back and regroup at spawn.

Code Gold: A HPT has been captured, personnel are advised to guard the capturing personnel and assist with interrogation. Use this code with a sector variable as well. For example: Code Gold, Sector One.

Code Crimson: Radio communications compromised, strictly talk in code if this code is used.

Code Yellow: The foundation knows our plans, engage a backup plan.

Code Fox: Enemy reinforcements are headed to the specified position. Use this code with a location variable.

Code Foxtrot: Call in reinforcements to help.

Code Green: Go to the Class-D Containment Zone and help the Class-Ds escape.

Code Rust: Alpha Warheads have been triggered, raid successful.

There will most likely be more added in the future.

7: Our Mission

“Should intermittent vengeance arm again his red right hand to plague us?”

We believe it is wrong and inhumane to tamper with the memories of other humans, to needlessly kill other humans, to send humans to die by anomalous creatures or by anomalous sciences against their will. We believe the entire world should know the existence of these anomalies and we believe humankind should be able to use them to better the future of mankind. We believe classing another human being as ‘Disposable’ is inhuman and wrong. We believe every human being deserves a shot at a free life without being subjected to the horrors of anomalous creatures/objects.

Our mission is to free the SCP Foundation’s so called ‘Class-Disposable’ personnel and bring the existence of SCPs to the eyes of the public so they may use them to better mankind. Our secondary mission is to destroy the SCP foundation and every organization similar to it for their crimes against humanity.

“Creating logic out of illogic.”

8: Ranking System

The following message is points to rank up. The value next to the rank is the amount of points you need to be promoted to the next rank.

Trainee to Sigma: 1

Sigma to Delta: 20

Delta to Gamma: 40 (Last rank obtainable via points)

Gamma to Beta: Good activity and hosting skills as an officer maintained through a week.

Beta to Alpha: Continued activity and hosting skills as an officer maintained through several weeks.

Alpha to Cell Director: Be selected by Delta Command to lead a cell.

CD to Delta Command: Exceed the Marshal/commanders’ expectations as a Cell Director.

DC to Head Delta Command: Exceed the Marshal/Commanders expectations greatly as a member of DELCOM.

The Commander: Must be selected by the Marshal if there is an open spot.

The Marshal: Owner/Founder of NCI. Unachievable.

9: Point System

Leave Early: 1
Attend: 2
Cause the foundation to nuke: +3
Nuke the foundation: +3
Capture HPT alive: +4
Outstanding combat performance: +1

Gamenights/Music Nights:
Leave Early: 1
Attend: 2

Combat Training:
Leave Early: 1
Attend: 2
Excellent performance: +3

Leave Early: 1
Attend: 4

Attendance points do not stack, leaving early does not count as attending, only as leaving early. If it has a plus next to the number it stacks with your total. For example, attending fully AND doing good in a CT you get 5 points.


The Marshal