Natural health regeneration conflicting with healing potion script

Thanks for the help everyone. I appreciate you more than you know.

I have a working healing potion script. It heals 50 health. The player health goes up, then drops back down to where it was during the natural health regeneration. If I remove the natural health regeneration script, the healing potion works fine. I would like them both to work, but they seem to be conflicting.

Here are the scripts.

Healing potion

local CanActivate = true
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character

	if CanActivate == true then
		CanActivate = false
		local animation = character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Animation)
		character.Humanoid.Health = character.Humanoid.Health + 50
		local particles = script.Parent.Particles:Clone()
		particles.Parent = player.Character.Head
		particles.Enabled = true
		particles.Enabled = false
		CanActivate = true

And here is the natural health regeneration script.

local self = script.Parent
local Humanoid = self:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local Regen = false
	if (not Regen and Humanoid.Health > 0) then
		Regen = true
		while (Humanoid.MaxHealth > Humanoid.Health) do
			local NewHealth = Humanoid.Health + (Humanoid.Health/Humanoid.MaxHealth) + .5
			Humanoid.Health = NewHealth
			wait(Humanoid.Health/Humanoid.MaxHealth * 2)
		if (Humanoid.MaxHealth < Humanoid.Health) then
			Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.MaxHealth
		Regen = false
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Add a variable that tracks what the health was before adding the 50 health, then set the health back to that variable.

Wouldn’t setting it back to the variable do the same thing. Add 50 then set it back -50?

And I am not sure how to do that.

  1. :connect is deprecated, use :Connect
  2. can’t change humanoid health from localscript, fire an event to a script using RemoteEvent:FireServer()

that health regen script is roblox’s default health regen script. It has a deprecated connect. I also thought that was strange.

Also I tried a different approach. I tried to disable the health regen script for 1 seconds during the potion drink and made a more simple script to test it. But I cant get the script to disable because I am not using the correct string.

health is the script name that is under parent, but it is giving an error.

local tool = script.Parent

	local Humanoid = tool.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid')
	script.Parent.Health.Disabled = true -- health is the script name that is under Parent.
	Humanoid.Health = Humanoid.Health + 50
	script.Parent.Health.Disabled = false

the script regen name is health, How do I disable it for a short time.

How about using attributes? When drinking the potion, give an attribute to the player, maybe “NoHealing” then remove it when the drinking is finished.

if (not Regen and Humanoid.Health > 0 and Humanoid:GetAttribute("NoHealing") == nil) then
	if CanActivate == true then
		CanActivate = false
		local animation = character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.Animation)
        character.Humanoid:SetAttribute("NoHealing", true) -- set attribute
		character.Humanoid.Health = character.Humanoid.Health + 50
        character.Humanoid:SetAttribute("NoHealing", nil) -- remove attribute
		local particles = script.Parent.Particles:Clone()
		particles.Parent = player.Character.Head
		particles.Enabled = true
		particles.Enabled = false
		CanActivate = true

You can also use an instance, such as a BoolValue, if you prefer.

thanks for the replies. I ended up scraping this script and coming up with something new. Got it working.

Why not just fork it?

Not only can you update it but you can also add your own functionality to it too.

Then you don’t need to death with conflicting scripts.

I would have a Bindable Event inside the Health script so that the Health script can detect when needs to heal.