Near Future Military Truck

Time taken: 3 days
Part Count: 2.5k
98% made with parts

Never gonna give you up


Lol for the rick roll… nice job on the truck too.


All I can say is it’s a beautiful example of what can be done on a platform with relatively simple geometric objects.

I really admire artists like you who are so passionate about what they do and pay so much attention to detail. That’s a very important and respectable thing. You did an excellent job!

The greatest downside to this model is the model itself… not in its design, but in the fact that it contains ≈2,500 parts in such close proximity to one another.
Honestly, I just don’t see this model having any practical use within any game as it would cause a tremendous amount of lag. The more parts you have and the smaller & closer they are to one another means it will be harder and harder for the engine to render certain objects, causing more and more lag.

How can this be fixed?
The fix is very simple. Try learning Blender. It will allow you to create far more geometrically complex objects much faster. Plus, 3D models are rendered far more efficiently than a single model containing a billion parts.
No doubt Blender has a steep learning curve, but it’s something most people have to go through in order to have more possibilities.


Yeah, I don’t plan on using this for anything else expect a developer showcase (maybe?)

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As much as it lacks in practicality, with the part count especially- it would be really nice to see it in a showcase!
I wish I had the time to actually build from scratch in Studio without moving my tabs to Blender, which can truly be a blessing.

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