Neat enemy spawning animation for my Tower Defense game


The game looks nice, but from what I saw of the spawning animation was just good old fashioned z-fighting.

I was going for a fractured look like they were phasing out of the portal, but now that you say that, it really does… well, that sucks :frowning:

Don’t get me wrong, It looks nice. But the developer in me just noticed the Z-Fighting. Maybe try to hide some of it with particles or something?

Well, it’s supposed to be like the enemies have a shimmer/fractured effect due to phasing into the world. I’ll look into particles, maybe I’ll find one that compliments the z-fighting. Thanks!

Have you played swordburst 2? I don’t know if it still exists, but they had a death animation where the character would break into shards that floated away. Maybe you can reverse that and make it like shards are coming in to create the enemies.

here is a video i found with the death: ROBLOX: Swordburst 2 [Xbox One Gameplay, Walkthrough] - YouTube


I like the concept. Good job on the animation!

Yea. It looks like Z-fighting. Instead of a glitchy type effect, Maybe make the enemies look like they are emerging from the portal. Kinda like phasing out.

The effect/animation is clipping through the character maybe size it up a bit if you know what I mean.