Necessary Image Templates


This is just a thread to make it easier to make graphic designs that contains necessary templates (which you can save) and information about creating assets on the roblox platform, the thread will contain…

  • Templates for graphics
  • UGC assets limits
Content Size
Icon Template 512x512
Thumbnail Template 1920x1080
Badge Template 150x150
UGC Hat Limits N/A

Icon Template

The following image is a white template for icons, the size of the template is 512x512 pixels. This template can be used for…

  • Game icons
  • Group icons


Thumbnail Template

The following image is a white template for thumbnails, the size of the template is 1920x1080 pixels. This template can be used for…

  • Game Thumbnails


Badge Template

The following image is a white template for thumbnails, the size of the template is 150x150 pixels. This template can be used for…

  • Game Badges



Template by @younite

UGC Hat Limits

When creating UGC hat accessories, there are limits that you shouldn’t exceed. The tris limit is 4k, the limit of vertices is 1200. And there are also limits to consider when creating textures for the UGC hats, the maximum texture image size is 256x256 pixels.


Hi… Thank you for this post, so helpful. can you please share the triangle count limit and max resolution allowed for other accessories? I’ve been searching the forums for days but I can’t find the exact thread… thank you…

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I don’t exactly see why there’s any point of listing size limits. Most graphic designers know what is a good icon size and Roblox even recommends the thumbnail template and badge template sizes.

The only bit that is useful is the UGC size limits.

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Because if someone who wasn’t a graphics design came across this post and decided to make their graphics from the basis of this post and not have done any other research, you should have the sizes. Plus, those are the recommended sizes and Roblox even says “or more.”

Plus, just because you’re a graphics designer doesn’t mean someone else who is trying to make their own game is. They might not know what a good size is like others.


Thank you so much for this post, it’s really helpful.


Thank you, is there a how big the UGC Item can be limit?

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Holy crap! Thanks so much for sharing this. These will be handy for me and other developers who are working on a big project. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: