Neck Snap Animation [Critique Wanted]

Hey so I just did another commission for somebody, this time it’s a neck snap animation, relatively proud with what I’ve done but I want some critique if anyone who sees this has any.

Neck Snap Animation

Game With Animation

Rate My Animation!

  • Sucks, needs a lot of work
  • It’s getting there, not really tho
  • Below average?
  • Average I guess, not good nor bad
  • Above average, still needs some improvements tho
  • Great animation, barely any complaints
  • Amazing, 10/10

0 voters


So like nobody gonna give me feedback or…

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you put a poll, so im assuming thats what you wanted feedback through


you could make the dead guy ragdoll?


The scripters are going to make the dead guy ragdoll

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Yeah I know but no ones actually telling me anything on how to make it better lol

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