Looking for a sample of a circus cannon. Player touches the cannon and can then aim themselves. Like the cannon in the Roblox 2017 Egg Hunt. is there a way to see the code behind the 2017 Egg Hunt?
I suggest you read the rules for #development-support. The whole point is to present your problem,Solutions you’ve tried and provide the code that you need help with. Atleast try to start with it and if you face any problems, we’re here for you. body movers are key
Thanks, I’ll take a look at body movers. I just needed a starting point.
If your expecting for someone to give you code; they will not do so. As @ObscureBrandon mentioned this is so other developers can help you out with any errors etc your running into.
That’s perfectly ok. I keep looking through the library and there are so many broken models. Additionally, I look at the discussions and lose the nuance of the conversations. I wanted a starting point and I have it. “Body Movers” As I develop the model I will post questions here. I understand nobody wants to work for free and I am not asking that. My intention is to create a circus cannon, but to also post that completed model here. In many ways I know the idea, I just need the right word to research.
My intention is to post the process of development and testing. So that the next person can follow the process. Some times there are great samples in the library, but most of the time they are 5+ years old and released before filter enabled was enforced and prior to many of the new physics engine updates.
I appreciate the support.
Use the .Touched event to detect a player touching the cannon, use CFrames to position them inside the cannon, and then use CFrames or BodyPositions or something like that to move the cannon - you would like be modifying a CFrame.Angles() dependent on key inputs such as “A” and “D” or the left and right arrows (which you would detect with the UserInputService).
To my fellow developers on this forum (@ObscureBrandon @EggYolked): whilst you’re correct in saying that we’re not here to give or get free code, it doesn’t hurt to give some guidance and set people on the right track.