Need a feedback to understand why I received dislikes

No taken. I’m seeking honesty and you are being kind enough to give me a little of your attention.

Thanks for your understanding. I appreciate your willingness to ask for constructive criticism, and your ability to take it without taking offense.

That’s a great idea. I’ll do that for sure.

Too bad you couldn’t find the game. But that’s ok, your feedback was so valuable already. I let most of the levels to be in “skybox mode” because you and your friends were climbing the tree. In one level, you go inside of the tree and this “skybox mode” disappears. However, if players don’t read the story and only go for the obby, it seems just like a bunch of skybox levels :sweat_smile:.

For future reference (to save you some money from sponsors), if you want to ask friends for feedback I’d recommend asking someone who is already familiar with Roblox and the types of games that exist on the platform, rather than people who have never touched Roblox. The reason for this is that, since this is the first game they’ve played, they have nothing else to compare it to and thus would almost always give you the same review, and in this case since they were your friends they would probably say it’s a fun game regardless of their actual experience, and you wouldn’t get any constructive feedback from that.

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H00DENl, I’m a complete noob. I need the community guidance to improve myself. I don’t mind harsh criticism, as long it’s honest. Honesty and the expertise of the community are the pillars to make better experiences from everyone.
Sorry for not giving you a great experience right of the bat :sweat_smile:.

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Oh, that’s actually really hard to notice if you didn’t understand the story, but that’s a very good catch haha. However, people likes stuff that are visually appealing, and a wide endless skybox isn’t really it. I guess you could find a way either one or another to figure out on how to make it look better.

I agree with you JukeRblx! After I gave to my friends, I was planing to get my first impressions from Reddit and Twitter. However, I did not have enough karma points to ask on Reddit /r Roblox and the game Twitter page is a ghost town. I discovered that people asked here for this kind of feedback just a few hours ago. As soon as I arrived home, I posted this topic :grinning:.

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I agree. Story or no story, standard skybox is not great. Need to replace for something better.

The GUI is a problem that virtually everyone complained. Can you give me an example of an adventure/obby game with a nice GUI for me to have as a reference?

it feels vastly unfurnished and a little rushed in my opinion

You’re right on the spot 3rdhoan123. The game was rushed. I started using Studio in November and made the crazy goal of having something related to Christmas to show in December :joy:.

Some mechanics and movement feel clunky, jumps feel off with weird collision problems that come with r15.

Can you specify a little more about this? I though Roblox handled all the physics and we just adjusted JumpPower and walking speed. What else can I do? As far I’m aware, I cannot program the humanoid with my own state machine and control acceleration and movement on a frame basis.

You think 10 lives is not enough? Fair enough, the number of lives is the easiest thing to change. How many you think it would be fair, but still exciting?

The comments about the “look” of the game are very common, so I will skip a personal response o that part. But I hear you and I’ll annotate that.

Thank you for the gear tip. Was not even aware of that.

Thank you! I’m very happy that you saw something cool behind all the flaws. I feel much better now!

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vikenmanoukian21 I really appreciated your feedback and your suggestions separated in topics. I agree with almost all your suggestions, but I still have some doubts.

  1. The fire is actually the crashed flying sled. The Easter Bunny has destroyed it and Bushy (the yellow elf and the engineer) is freaking out about it. I positioned each one of the elves in a place where they were doing a specific task before starting the journey. Hence, putting the elves gathered around a fire would lose this context. I agree with rest of your comment in this suggestion, but do you think that the elves being spread, each doing his own thing is that bad? I think if I implement your suggestion number 5, the whole problem goes away.
  2. I think this is a great idea
  3. Didn’t even realize it because is a single player game. You’re right, I’ll do that.

PS: You did not offended me. On the contrary, I’m very glad that you helped me and thought the obby was cool.

Ok! I understand. I’ll fix it!

First, I’d like to welcome you to Roblox! There are so many opportunities on here and I am glad to see you doing the right thing and asking for criticism.

Others have already pointed out the initial problems like the UI, lack of direction, and rushed building so I want to give my opinion on the gameplay. I went ahead and attempted to beat the game. First of all, wow, I really love the idea behind this. Although I am not a huge fan of hard games, I still really think you have something going here. I enjoy the story you are trying to tell and the way you are telling it, and I think that the base mechanics you have made are really cool. But, I feel like you executed the actual obby creation poorly.

The first branch was relatively easy, taking me about 3 lives to quickly learn how to surpass this section of the obby. But this branch still had a clunk to it that I noticed.


I understand the game is supposed to be frustrating, but things like this occurring may instantly make a player click quit. You want to make the challenges, not have them appear throughout because of badly placed ladders you know what I mean? The increased jump power may of played a role in this happening as well I am not quite sure. You could definitely re-work that ending part though and make it really nice.

Moving on to the next branch, I noticed a massive jump in difficulty right away. It took me around 8-9 lives to figure out how to even survive the giant ice block even coming down. That obstacle in general is also pretty clunky. This combined with the ice block you have to stand on before jumping onto the ramp, creates some serious infuriating moments(hahaha). Due to the ice block coming down with a short time-delay. There were a few times where I had to stand and wait on the ice block only for it to disappear under me and lose a life. Almost like the game wants me to lose a life without me even doing anything. Branch 2 ended up taking me about 30 minutes because of the second obstacle. The disappearing and reappearing blocks. This was personally my favorite obstacle, as it requires to to memories the timing and pattern in order to move on. The rest of the level was easy, but the misdirection side of things came into play right when you got off the final iceblock behind the snowman. The elf wanted me to go onto of the snowman, but nothing was stopping me from just going to the next branch(I never actually went on top of the snowman). You should create signs or guide players up on top of the snowman.

The final branch is by far the hardest(for good reason, its the final level). But the first obstacle is probably the worst in my opinion. I do not understand how to pass it for the life of me without just getting lucky. I read the signs on the balls, but those explanations didn’t really hint at an idea on how to make it through. The red balls seem to either kill me, take out my legs, or do nothing. This aspect of randomness is what can hurt a hard obby. Like you said, you want the level to be fair.

Conclusion on the obby
I think that you have something going for you. A difficult Christmas obby with a story behind it, the idea is there and I really like it. I also think that most of your obstacles are okay. From what I saw there were

  • Ice Blocks
  • Snowman that drops giant ice blocks
  • Disappearing and Reappearing blocks
  • Spinning blocks
  • Ladders
  • Balls that do different punishments

but the way you organized these different obstacles created a lot of chaos and unfair advantages for the player. I think you should go through the obby loads of times and beat the game and try and touch up on how you organized everything. I wish I could’ve finished the entire thing but I have other things I have to get done and knew I would have to write this. I really like what you have going on here, and if you spend enough time on it I bet you could create a really nice, special game.

Other things
You said that difficult games don’t really appeal to Roblox players but that is not the case at all. There are always players out there looking for a challenge, with games like Tower of Hell and Rogue Lineage thriving with players. You just have to get it right!

SkoobiDoobiDoo thank you for playing so much of the game. It really means a lot. I need to go now, but I’ll adress every point that you made tomorrow. I just wanted to say to you that “The last branch?” is not the final level. Is the third one! There are 7 levels at total counting lobby and ending (you cannot die at the ending). I really like the ending (is really crazy) and wished to share with the community, but from all the feedback now I know that the game needs to improve a lot in order for players to reach it. Good night.


Is very good to know that the core idea is attractive. The game is still very new and I can always improve on the execution. But, if nobody liked the idea I think it would be better to move to something else.

I didn’t like what I saw in your gif. This is definitely frustrating and unfair for the player and I need to improve it.

Your feedback on snowmama level is also very useful. The original level was much easier. As I was the only test player and I took tower of hell as a reference, I thought the level was too easy . So I added, the initial ice plataforms, a cruel timing on the icecube and more ice blocks in the resting point on the left of the wedge. Maybe I will easy up a little bit, so player don’t feel so frustrated.

Were you able to see the three obstacles courses in the Christmas balls level or just the first? Again, this is very surprising. TBH, I did not like the first obstacle so much because I thought it was easy. This is due to the fact that I have memorized where I have to jump to avoid explosions and how to touch the teleport ball avoiding being killed by the troll ball.

Based on your feedback, I feel my particular experience with the game is very biased. Is hard for me to see by myself where the game is being unfair or too cruel because I’ve playing every part of it multiple times. In hindsight a better approach for development would be to double check some of the game concepts with the community during the initial development, or at least before making a sponsored ad.

As a SPOILER, there is also in the game:

Giant razors, big bullets, angry blocks, a ice vehicle that melts on lava and need a popsicle to refresh (the car controls need improvement ASAP) and the Easter Bunny boss battle where he has 4 types of spells (you can see most of this in the teaser that I posted in the first message of this topic or here).

As a final comment, to be fair, I didn’t say that hard games don’t appeal to anyone on the platform. I just suspected, and I might me wrong, that is not a favorite. I heard of Rogue Lineage but never played (the like/dislike ratio is good). But, Tower of Hell has a 66% like/dislike ratio and in my opinion the game is very well done. I suspect that the dislikes are mostly from rage quit.


I feel like this is a nice game however it has its flaws, I only really have 2 main complaints.
The fast travel is just so big and so annoying could you make it smaller.
I also feel like the game is too hard, I don’t think you need to add more lifes but just lower the difficulty especially the snowminio level.

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Hey wait2008. Thanks for playing and for the feedback! I’m currently working in the next major release. Difficulty will be decreased in all levels (Snowmama was supposed to be easy in my head -.-'). Right now, I’m working hard to make the lobby look more pleasant and guide the player better. I’ll refactor all first branch and then change snowmama and so forth.

Quick thing about the trailer, Truth is on roblox, everyone to varying degrees judges people by their looks, I would be a lot more likely to play a game with a thumbnail and trailer showing someone with some coolio hats, then one portraying people without aforementioned accessories. If you wish to make the front lines of the game more appealing, I recommend you use scripts to dress yourself up while recording the trailer / thumbnail.

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That’s a very clever tip. I had no idea about that. I’ll do it for sure. Thanks @Tyfor_Dev.

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I just published my game which was on an earlier test, i already set a message on the game which said that the game was on test, but i got a dislike, so i thought about publish my game when everything gets created, some stuff that is on the game is a bit rushed made and that so, i can help you on stuff if you want.

Thank you for your offer @Conejin_Alt, but at the moment my main goal is to learn so I’ll keep dev to myself. After I’ve a strong grasp of my strengths and weakness maybe I’ll search a team to complement my skills.