Hello, I’m fairly new to Roblox. I recently launched my game Christmas Odyssey (only scripted for PC). I ask some friends, who weren’t on Roblox, to make accounts and try it out to give me feedback. The feedbacks were mostly positive and helpful. Due to the good feedbacks and the fact that my game don’t show on the Roblox search engine yet, I decided to run a very cheap sponsor on my game targeting PC (R$ 300,00). The next day I had 4 dislikes, dropping my ratio by an abysmal amount and I simply have no clue of what I did wrong or could improve. Maybe the start is too boring, or the game is too hard, or the description don’t match the game, or it was just bad luck and bots entered my game. The new players stayed very little in the game, making me suspect that the start was not good at all or maybe it was bot activity.
Since I saw the ratings, I tried to improve the lobby to show players where to go to start the adventure and I increased the number of lives.
Even so, this was just random guess because I have no feedback on the matter. Could you take a look at my game and give a honest and helpful feedback? I want to know if this project has a future on Roblox, or if it’s better to move on and do something else. After all this is my first game. Here is the teaser trailer of the game.
Okay, so I would say just by playing that the GUI is bugged. You can click the text, which shouldn’t be able to. The UIs look really plain, which could be improved later on as you update the game. It also may not be clear where to go, thus why people may not like it. It also seems a bit too difficult. All these factors can determine why most people didn’t really like your game.
A few problems I find with the game, it feels vastly unfurnished and a little rushed in my opinion. Some mechanics and movement feel clunky, jumps feel off with weird collision problems that come with r15.
Also, this is just my opinion but there should be more lives rather than 10, 10 seems a little too harsh for new players that join the game and want to chill.
Buildings/colors are also overly bright at some parts and odd bits like floating parts cover some areas making it feel odd and out of environment type of deal.
Large guis such as “fast travel” are a little covering for certain screen sizes and a gamepass GUI right next to the sidebar seems a little cash grabby to some players.
Some parts are also overly bright and even sometimes overly dim such as in the lobby. The light colors also make it somewhat a little worst.
You should also disable the part of allowing all gear types in the second part, enabling so allows players to possibly cheat with the right gears such as flying tools.
However, although there are a few problems with the game, rushed details, par composition, and odd placement can lead to some problems (like GUIS also), this game has some pretty good potential and you should keep improving more and more later on, good luck
Fisrt when you start the game you do not know where to go. When you walk furter you see a huge sign pointing to go in a direction. Then behind me I see a row of trees??? Some random elfs and a fire in the middle of nowhere.
Here is my advice:
Remove that huge sign and replace it by a smaller one in wood.
Do not make the trees in a row it just looks weird. Make it around the map but not in the passage that the player has to go. Then you can see a fire with some elfs sitting around it in the forest.
Reduce the player’s JumpPower and Speed in the beginning area.
Fix the colors. The blue just does not go well with your game. Make the ground a little more white to make it look like it snowed.
Put a path so the player can see where he is supposed to go and visit the elfs.
The obby island looks nice. Put the lives on the right because the chat is covering it.
The Quick Travel GUI is too big. Reduce its size because you are using useless place for mobile players.
This is a very nice obby I have never seen an obby like it but you should make it look nice for more like. Sorry if I offended you.
Contact me at Viken#0243
It is clear where you need to go but it just does not look good the place it is.
When players join the game they see this black GUI about how the game is going to proceed. You can click on the text. Which means you put a TextBox insteal of a Label or TextButton whatever your intention was.
This actually seems like a fun game based on your trailer, haha. But I’m not sure about that last part, “you lost your life, now back at the start”.
It looks like a pretty big game, so I would consider being a bit more merciful on the players. People tend to ragequit a lot when they lose and gotta go back at the start (ironically, people also plays Tower of Hell and I’m pretty addicted to that game too.)
edit: tried playing out the game, oh my god the sudden disappearing blocks really annoys me and wants to make me leave so bad
I can’t access the screen anymore, it was probably a first join UI. However, if you read the text, you were able to click and delete the text. However, these problems still remain, like @vikenmanoukian21 brought up.
Seems too cash grabby.
Beginning area seems rushed, and can be improved on.
The “Quick Travel” is kinda distracting and too large on the screen.
The blue colors doesn’t work well, I would suggest white, and add a road to the obby to give a clearer path to the player.
Since this is a obby game, it is required to make your game stand out among other obby games that are either free modeled, or poorly made.
Anyway, these are my criticisms of your game. I wish you the best to improve.
Thank you for the reply. The original design was to be a hard game, where you should master to pass it (or buy the items and go easy mode). The design has the same spirit as Dark Souls, Sekiro, Super Meat Boy and Celeste. But it seems this punishing style is not a favorite among Roblox players . As a said, I’m a noob on Roblox, and I’m still checking out what people like and don’t like, learning how to use the Studio and code in Lua. I knew my game wasn’t going to appeal to everyone, but I though some might like the challenge.
When you said dissapearing blocks, you mean the ice blocks or the bricked ones on Snowmama level?
The snowmama level, I was waiting for the perfect moment to jump on the huge sliding platform and boom, my floor suddenly disappeared.
Managed to get on the huge sliding platform with only 3 lives left, walked a bit and then boom, the sliding platform disappeared and I wasn’t aware there was lava there, died again.
Other than that, this game really brings a lot of nostalgic memories for some reason and I kind of love it. Great job on making it, but there could really have some improvements.
For example, not making the maps too big-ish and have 30% of the time you walking your way.
This is a problem and I understand your frustration. I’ll work on it immediately, but let me tell you the idea first. When you touch the ice wedge, the floor automatically disappear and you enter a hidden part down below. But, you should never die when the wedge disappear. It was to be a moment of surprise, not frustration.
I understand that a hard game must be fair, and I just failed you. I’m sorry.
I’m glad you took the route of being a responsible developer and demanding criticism.
However, these are the things you should note when deciding to make a game:
Plan it out. Draw it on paper if needed and visualize the schematics.
Decide on what principles is your game gonna function and what will it weigh towards.
Start from scratch and don’t rely on the toolbox, it’s gonna be your enemy more than your friend in 90% of the cases.
In order to design a game, take the following into account:
It needs to be visually appealing, that means that the theme and the ambience must match and every object should be a decent visual to see. For example, joining the game to be greeted by improperly sized UI objects and very off-putting and mismatching colors can scare away the player and leave him under bad impression.
Stick to a color palette or a visual orientation goal when designing UI components, scale them properly (learn about the ROBLOX UI Constraints and UI Layouts).
Your game currently leaves many players under bad impression because nothing appears in expected order, I was honestly surprised when the colors were so random and every UI Object I clicked on was so intrusive and also for some reason, randomly colored.
It’s completely alright and I love the fact that you’re listening to the players.
It definitely surprised me, but it was too late until I realized that there was
something down there
something that can kill you down there
Just an idea, I could recommend that you make the landing platform from where you fall off a bit bigger (possibly covering the whole space on where you expect them to land) so they could still recover themselves after being surprised. People who walk on the sides (like I did) wouldn’t definitely know that the platform was at the middle and it’ll be too late to reach before reaching the lava.
I actually found a game kind of similar to this where it’s not too big and it could be a perfect example for you, but I already forgot the game’s name/link . Also, try to fit it all inside a room so it appears that you’re in some dungeon/somewhere and you’re not floating around in some endless skybox.
No offense, but I don’t see many people playing this game in their free time. Only like newer players. I would smoothen up the GUI’s for sure. Maybe make it look less like your classic roblox obby
ProspektNova, thank you for the feedback and the guideline. I started using Roblox Studion in November. In the first few days, I could not make anything out of it and was very frustrated. It was too much new information and too much ignorance of my part. So I decided to have ideas rushes and code them while I was having them. In the end I learned a lot, but it also lead to a lot of what you didn’t like. Still, having you expressed it in this text is a great lesson. Thanks for your time.