I press a button and the tree scales up but it scales through the floor. I assume the models position is the same before and after so I’m attempting to alter the position. I figured since the scale is Y and -Y I should adjust the Position.Y to half the scale increase. It’s not correct. any help would be much appreciated.
local function upgradeTree()
local originalScale = treeModel:GetScale()
local originalPosition = treeModel:GetPivot()
local change = 1.1
treeModel:ScaleTo(originalScale * change)
--trying to keep the model's base firmly on the ground with the new model scale. The scaling above works fine.
treeModel:PivotTo(originalPosition + Vector3.new(0,originalPosition.Y * change/2,0))
Furthermore, if I don’t try and set the position of the model I end up with the model scaling through the baseplate.
local button = script.Parent
local buttonPrompt = button:WaitForChild("Buy")
local treeModel = workspace:WaitForChild("ChristmasTree")
local scaleMulti = 0.05
local function upgradeTree()
local originalScale = treeModel:GetScale()
local treePositionX = treeModel.PrimaryPart.Position.X
local treePositionY = treeModel.PrimaryPart.Position.Y
local treePositionZ = treeModel.PrimaryPart.Position.Z
treeModel:ScaleTo(originalScale + scaleMulti)
local newScale = treeModel:GetScale()
local difference = (newScale - originalScale) / 2
treeModel:MoveTo(Vector3.new(treePositionX, treePositionY + difference, treePositionZ))
--more code