Need a second scripter

Hi there! We re medieval dev team and i m one of team leaders - syperman003.
We are making a medieval open world game which will be a huge project.
We got 1 scripter(me) in the team and we want second scripter so things can go faster.

Devs team-
syperman003 - scripter
paq3m - builder
mimik - second builder
jfdfddlfjd - tester
beniciogamer - animator
pampam_cuteee3 - game designer
beste_paul - art designer
you - second scripter

If you are interested of taking part in something big, write on my discord - maksimka6475(better if you are have UTC + Time or UTC- Less than 2) or paq discord - paq3m bick/kok( if your time UTC-3 or more) after you write dont forget to say your roblox nickname

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