Need advice on growing already active game

Hi, I’ve been working on a game for about half a year now and have reached some level of success. Hitting around 60-170 players on a regular basis with no ads. I was wondering for people with experience, how would I be able to grow my game to achieve higher concurrent players than currently? My goal is to grow this game and provide a better experience overall.


Well, your game has some success meaning it will give you Robux from premium users. Use that Robux to advertise your game and make more income. Also, update your game frequently.


Do you recommend sponsored ads? I may be using them wrong, but they led to nowhere when I initially used them. After giving up on the game for a few weeks, it suddenly was picked up by the algorithim and players started coming in. Since then, I haven’t used any ads but I’m not able to grow the playerbase.


Bro wow well done, I could’ve made this though i’m such an idiot. Work smarter not harder.

Maybe add like a zombie boss fight, people might like that.


Thank you. If you’re able to make a game like this, you can definitely make something miles better. It’s just the grit part because you need to wait for the algorithim to pick it up eventually.


Hm, I think I could however it wouldn’t be the scripting that would be the issue. I think making the models, animations, etc would be harder. I can only script, I think i’d be able to script the stuff if I had it though.

Also, the hit detection from the NPCs seems to be good. What did you use for them? Just a touched event? Or did you use other methods such as spatial queries, raycasting, magnitude, etc.


I used RaycastHitboxV4 initially, but I converted all the weapons to TomatoHitbox mainly to use OOP so that it can be more easily organised. I think only twilight and mawofsmiles are the weapons that still use RaycastHitboxV4. I’d recommend finding a way to organise things especially for a game like this, using CollectionService and OOP, along with using a single module script for Zombies, overall it’ll make updating much easier for you.

I don’t think you can only script, but rather it’s a fixed mentality, I started scripting less than a year ago, and picked up animating etc. around the same time. Although modelling is very complicated, but I think zombie game is a perfect example of not needing said models. You should carry out your own aesthetic, the initial purpose of the game was to copy off zombie game’s success, but I realised that you need your own unique style, design and mechanics to stand out and build your playerbase. The only thing you need to do is be open-minded, try and press through the difficulty and discomfort.


Consistently update the game and hire people to help out with it using the money you made from it. Growing wise you should hire someone to make a tiktok or youtube short about it (it needs to be someone who averages a lot of views)


Yes, I would recommend that. Also, I suggest updating your game thumbnails and logo. You can update it yourself or hire a designer and I suggest doing the same thing for your gamepasses. You seem to have enough Robux to support your game since you get both from the game and the Group.


Thank you. Do you have any recommendation for designers or such?


Thank you. Do you have any recommendations for such creators? I’ve actually tried and still am trying social media marketing but it didn’t lead to anywhere much. TikTok - Make Your Day


You can go on the talent hub to find a designer. Here: Creator Hub - Talent


Hi @tz_ow ,

Good job on making a successful game!

I recommend adding a feedback feature where people can give out suggestions or report any type of bugs that is in the game.

listening to your community is really a lethal thing to follow to make your game better for the players that enjoying your game.

Edit: I’ve noticed you have a group where people can give out suggestions or report bugs, but still it’s either way better to add a system in-game where people can use it.


I didn’t know that even existed, this is very helpful. Thanks!


Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll note it down.


Watch this video from 4:50


id recommend expanding your community and just frequently updating the game and also sponsoring the game when you have saved up enough robux and idk

(didnt mean to reply to you sorry idk why it did that)


Thank you! Appreciate your feedback :pray:

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