Need Advice/Feedback for Menu Screen

I am created a game similar to the Doom games with Halo-Inspired UI. I have gotten this far into creating this main menu screen but I don’t know what else I should add visually. If you have any ideas please let me know!


Nice! Looks great! I suggest you make the character the player though, if you haven’t already thought of that.

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I don’t have a player model/ main character design yet, but I was planning on doing that anyway.

Looks great.

I would suggest decreasing the text size ever so slightly as to give the text a bit more padding, and also add a horizontal transparent black gradient to the screen so that the menu has a bit of a background.

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I think that looks a bit better and is more what I was going for. Thank you!

This is very nice! However, the “Arena Slayer” text looks a little tilted to me.

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