Need an advice on how to structure and create a quiz game (Solved)

First of all, I did not know If this was the right section to post or not but I really liked the game idea of “Quiz Race”


I want to know how to structure such a game, I know scripting but I like how to make randomly generated quizzes to spawn, how can I use module script to do that? should I use server scripts and so on, any advice will be appreciated! Thank you!

By randomly generated do you mean just picking from a pre-determined set of questions? or literally generating a question

No, I mean the pre-made one! :slight_smile:

Ah, i’d probably have a main quiz controller which would store all the information and then have tables of quizzes and answers ordered like

local questions = {q1, q2, q3, etc}
local answers = {a1, a2, a3, etc}

--then you could have a question amount generator like
local questions = math.random(1, #questions)

was that what you were meaning?

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