Need An Editor For Bones / Skeleton / Motor6Ds

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to edit the skeleton of a custom model.
When I build custom models for NPCs, animals, etc I need to connect all the body parts with Motor6Ds so that the model can be animated. The problem is that this is very difficult in Roblox. I use the Character Creator plugin, but it still has limitations and it is difficult to finely align and orient the Motor6Ds.

Every 3D program that I know of has a way to visualize and edit the skeleton. I think Roblox needs such a feature to make it very easy to visualize, align, and orient the Motor6Ds. To take it a step further, it would be nice to be able to import and export such things in/out of programs like Blender.

If Roblox is able to address your issue, how would it improve your game and/or your development experience?
Currently building custom rigs in Roblox is unnecessarily difficult. With a nice skeleton editor, it would be much easier to build custom characters and animations.


Arguably, somebody could (fairly easily) make this a plugin and use the Humanoid:BuildRigFromAttachments() function. Right now it’s fairly easy to do via command line although admittedly pretty tricky to get the joints where you want without lots of trial and error. I don’t think this necessarily needs to be made into a studio feature itself, but if somebody were to make a plugin for this it would probably be handy.


I did try BuildRigFromAttachments and it helped with alignment, but not so much with orientation.

I am thinking of more of something like Blender does in which the bones are clearly visible and it is easy to adjust the coordinates and rotation angles.


Good that you mention it, we have this in our plans, so stay tuned :slight_smile:


That would be awesome! What ballpark timeframe is this feature planned for? (Days, weeks, months,…)